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Hw100 Or S410?

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I personally love the weight of my hw100kt or should i say the balance with a sidewi der or panoram on their quite amazing. Helps with holding them steady for 30/40 yard standing shots..


Guns should be heavy imho and im cheif president of the noodle arms club. Get to the gym :laugh:


I would get a full length hw100 in .177 for my next rifle if i had more money for guns.


The hw97kt and hw100kt i have now are more than enough guns for me tho sei g as i hardly shoot them :(

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I personally love the weight of my hw100kt or should i say the balance with a sidewi der or panoram on their quite amazing. Helps with holding them steady for 30/40 yard standing shots..


Guns should be heavy imho and im cheif president of the noodle arms club. Get to the gym :laugh:


I would get a full length hw100 in .177 for my next rifle if i had more money for guns.


The hw97kt and hw100kt i have now are more than enough guns for me tho sei g as i hardly shoot them :(

Now look here young Scott, some of us more senior shooters actually like lighter rifles.....because we have better things to do like go to Jims. Anyway, we are too busy shooting all day, paid for by your taxes that pay our over generous pensions. Now thats a pretty good arrangement I think, so, leave us alone to our lighter models and just keep working........ :victory:

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both brill guns but hw 100 heavy and expensive s410 the one i had every 50 or so shots used to fire a curve ball pellet did not go where it were soppost to no just mine few lads have said same thing . have no explaination . i now hunt with a bsa r10 fantastic gun give it a look pal atb

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Think the para's used um too on Bloody Sunday... lot of history to that L1.

It was in service from 1960 ish until about 1990. Based on the FN, still widely used. The round was a stopper, unlike the fairy 5.56. Some were autos as well but ours only semi.

Not bragging but my best ever grouping came courtesy of the SLR ( as we called it ) A perfect day, no wind and 500 yards, 12 inch group with a twenty round magazine. For a semi auto I was really chuffed.

I prefer bolt actions though, more satisfying, more accurate, and lets be honest, what can compare to a SMLE or anything fitted with a Mauser action?

I would take up shooting CSR if I could afford it, the cost of ammunition is stupid though in my opinion, even ex Nato stuff works out at over 50 pence a shot or more.

Thats why I love PCP so much, we are spoilt for choice and its a cheap way to fill a pot, pop targets all day, without worrying about cost so much.

Shut up John, you are rambling...... :cray:

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