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Can You Change A 22 Cal Into 177 Cal

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.22 port holes are smaller than .177 i think, eather way yu get less power in a .177 with .22 port holes...


pledgleys right..sell or swop the gun.(not at a shop though, you'll get less for your gun and pay more for the other gun..double the wammy...just need to add left hander into it for the ultimate lost out deal).


the left hand deal goes like this


sell one? no ones left handed no call for it...another 50 quid lost


buy one? ooo yu cant get these theyre nearly a specialty stock..odd on a 100....


buy an ambi stock..there all the rage these days..

Edited by ghillies
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yes it does lol...as does the shape. and the crown.


edit, flow rates can be hindered, causing 'chokes' and eddy disturbances, size and shape as well as angle of placement...worste case sinario the difference between a wapping big hole crudly hitting it with a varience of unexceptability right down to a large loss and waiste of air 'power' hitting the too small hole and pellet unevenly.


same 'ish' when the pellets come out of the end, many a hack saw mania has ended in..ehhhh f..o..oo..k naffed a gun up. (its all relavent to the barrel length and riffling...idealy lol)

Edited by ghillies
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