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This morning I noticed my shed door chewed an clawed to bits poxy dog I'm thinking. So I open shed an notice one my goldfinches flying freely around . Bang I closed the door asap looking at his cage on floor . What the f**k I said while lookin at my mule cage My mule had vanished nothing but a load of feathers every where left not Evan I peace of the bird just feathers in the next cage was my good goldfinch I had bread my mule from he had vanished to . Nothing left just feathers an the smallest drop of blood.only my birds that where in cages where attacked . My canary's in the breeders are fine .... The shed door was locked so no cats or my dogs could have done it .an the chewing an clawing on the door was obviously my jrt trying to get in to dispatch the culprit . b*****d . . . Any body have this shit before. . . . An is it mice rats weasel pine Martin . Cheers delboy

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Look what I caught in the shed thismorn . Can't upload video of moo shreddin it delighted I was never got more pleasure out killing rats but this was personal. c**t had Eaton my mule I tried my best an succeeded at training it to sing finch my first baby mule . Canary's can get for a 10er my mule was more valuable. Any how's traps reset all live ones . So the c**ts can die by the same faith. Cheers people delboy.





Any one in Ireland in Leinster with good mules pm me cheers


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bloody rats did 17 of my canaries one night ,i was so angry i lifted the shed up next morning , fecker escaped my terriers but in 2 weeks i trapped 13 in my fenns old lad next door was putting heaps of food out for squirrels drawing the rats in , they was all under his decking ,

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