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Joe Blogs Should Know The Facts First

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I got myself a small 9 acre bit of ground for the kids for ferreting nice and easy all flat along hedgerows. Anyhows got there today met the owner quick chat an ended with his little fella to for the first set. Took the two older ferrets the lurcher and her pup I was doing abit near a road so dogs were on the lead when a guy flys up drive peeping at me an ranting ur hunting I smiled walked over asked how can I help? He replied im ringing the police I see guys like u on my land for the Foxes so I said hold on a wee min pal am ferreting followed with a smirk I continued theres nets down dogs are leaded and the guy thats gave me permission well here hes cumming but right now ur trespassing. I also held out my fone an said fone police tell them am ferreting on permission see what reply u get he had a quick look to see how close the owner was mumbled and said sorry if I offended I over reacted an sped of what a tool. Continued onto another two big holes getting 11 with the lurcher takin three from bolt holes not ground for running so nets most the time part from the idiot my ten yr old was a busy kid rounding nets and a good cpl hrs fun

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nice bag john i had some dick head farmer follow me for 5 fields last week asking me my name and were i live and stuff like that telling me im not aloud to walk DOGS LIKE THAT( lurchers) through his fields even tho it was a public footpath and the dog was on the lead

fair to say im going to pay his land a fair few visits in the next few months

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Was great flat jus hedgerows all new to me that lol put a jill on an she sat [BANNED TEXT] away at the entrance maybe a foot in I wondered on the box looked she had one by the head forst thats ever happened but hey.y wee guy got his first kick off a bunny today heard a wee sweary word come out him but he done well in the rain an hail. I wldnt mind if half the twats wld ask rather than asume ur doin wrong

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Was great flat jus hedgerows all new to me that lol put a jill on an she sat [BANNED TEXT] away at the entrance maybe a foot in I wondered on the box looked she had one by the head forst thats ever happened but hey.y wee guy got his first kick off a bunny today heard a wee sweary word come out him but he done well in the rain an hail. I wldnt mind if half the twats wld ask rather than asume ur doin wrong

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  On 07/12/2014 at 19:59, johnrussell84 said:

Was great flat jus hedgerows all new to me that lol put a jill on an she sat [bANNED TEXT] away at the entrance maybe a foot in I wondered on the box looked she had one by the head forst thats ever happened but hey.y wee guy got his first kick off a bunny today heard a wee sweary word come out him but he done well in the rain an hail. I wldnt mind if half the twats wld ask rather than asume ur doin wrong

Leave the twatts to the twatts, make the most of the buzz your having with the wee guy. I have had 4 wee guys fly up in the blink of an eye and they dont want to ferret with there Daddy anymore. The youngest lad is 10 now and hes mad into the ferreting, well hes out since about 3 and a half years old. He will probably grow up and leave me to ferret alone.Its great to get the kids out.Had some great times over the years hunting with my kids and got to hear loads of sweary words especially if a rabbit got away

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We had someone phone the plod last year when ferreting, I clocked the meatwagon and just moved to another bit still in full view they came up to the fence and shouted us over, I told them to come here and they tiptoed over the mud to us lol. Asked us what we were up to and then asked If ferret listened to us lol, aye Nae bother pal :laugh:

Edited by RossM
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  On 12/12/2014 at 22:24, GreyRake said:

Had a dog walker take photos of my car after scouting what we were doing. Really pissed me off

Had that before photographer out taking pictures of us my van etc, bunny bolted and my old bitch nailed 5 yards from him, I asked if he got that on camera could he email me a copy, he packed up and f****d off lol

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