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Five Year Old Child Killed In Sacrificial Ritual.

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I love that word "multicultural" it depicts a utopian neighbourhood where everyone lives harmoniously together irrespective of creed,colour,ethnicity or religious belief,but its a myth and as soon as you challenge it the Racist scareword comes out like a big stick,yeah multicultural britain where ethnic ghetto's have cropped up and flourished in ever increasing number :yes: Hounslow high street before the polish/eastern european invasion was a scene from the indian sub-continent,slough the same,peckham awash with nigerians,luton kashmiri's,brick-lane area bangladeshis,multiculturalism is a spin word,your not allowed to challenge it but birds of a feather flock together,its visible if politicians only lived at grass-roots level in a typical area,people are tribal in the main and seek out their fellow tribesman in far-flung lands to eat familiar foods,chat shit about back home in their own language etc :yes:

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A five year old child killed by his mother in Clackmannanshire in Scotland had his heart cut out whilst alive in a sacrificial ritual. His mother hailed from Botswana and I would like to thank this

We've been told for years, by all political parties, but especially Labour, that diversity and multi-culturism is good for us. No it's not. We, white, Anglo Saxon Christians, the vast majority of the

Yes and also we now feed her for the rest of her life at her majestys pleasure until a very kind person slits her throut mistaking her for a goat..

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Lost internet connection :blink:final classic example of multicultural britain.......Bradford,its like rawalpindi's rajah baazar on a friday morning the tipping point will be when UK gets an islamic prime-minister and thats only a matter of time...............

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Indeed mate, it is all part of the evil little plan they have for us, doubtless, we will see a token effort, and a lot of hot air about immigration, on the run up to the next election, as they are shi**ing themselves about good old Nige, but mark my words if that English hating little runt, Millipede gets in, he will take off from where the traitors Blair and Brown left off, and open the floodgates WIDE.

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Farage is just another political snout in the ever growing trough. He got several new arse holes ripped by that pratt Russel Brand and you think hes the next Messiah he knows his days as an MEP are numbered and he is jumping ship to get on the roll here for dipping his bred. Hes cornered a party wasn't it started by Kilroy Silk? it will go the same way as the EDL and BNP because the majority of ordinary folk don't fall for all this bullshit that is why the apathy at election times whats the average 35% turn out

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  On 15/12/2014 at 13:43, desertbred said:

Farage is just another political snout in the ever growing trough. He got several new arse holes ripped by that pratt Russel Brand and you think hes the next Messiah he knows his days as an MEP are numbered and he is jumping ship to get on the roll here for dipping his bred. Hes cornered a party wasn't it started by Kilroy Silk? it will go the same way as the EDL and BNP because the majority of ordinary folk don't fall for all this bullshit that is why the apathy at election times whats the average 35% turn out

There tends to be a better turn out in Muslim areas, but that can probably be put down to their propensity to carry out large scale ballot rigging and postal vote fraud.


It appears a large proportion of them struggle to do most things in civilised society without some kind of insidious motivation.

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MaxDidn't you watch Question Time maybe they had a different programme because everyone I have discussed it with share the same opinion the only rational statement on behalf of UKIP was the invalid gentleman with the walking stick otherwise Farage waffled like a Bar room philosopher, you know like the lad down tpub

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  On 15/12/2014 at 09:33, maxhardcore said:

The People has to try remember who really has the Power

60 million people

Maybe. 6-8 million who don't give a fook for Britain

380 or there abouts in Goverment.


If Great Britains were organised


They'd have to listen.


They wankers ' they treat Our Gurkhas shamefully but let Illegalls swamp into the Country and then give them everything.


If Police and Inmigratiin officers raided every hand car wash. 80% are Illegal immigrants making fortunes with no trading licence or HSE ect fook all .

If a Brit tried to Ooerate the same way they'd be closed down.


Immigration should swoop on ALL hand car washes and every Take away shop and they'd round hundreds of thousands of illegals up.


Goverment just don't care.

And you think these cnuts are the people's party?




Once they've ostracised us from the rest of Europe it looks they'll set about tackling the deficit by hunting the poor & the unemployed...starting with Essex. The mask is beginning to slip.

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  On 15/12/2014 at 15:57, charlie caller said:

You are having a laugh, Farage made that co*k Brand look a right mug, showed him for what he is, an ex bag head, champagne socialist, we will see what the turn out is at the next election, you might be in for a shock :yes:

More pie in the sky 'we'll see' from you CC. No surprises there then.

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have you been eating magic ones Farage was made to look excactly what he is a failed Tory in a different suit and tie I certainly don't like Brand the jumped up ponce but credit where its due he wasn't the one who wants to lead the country by deception .

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