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Five Year Old Child Killed In Sacrificial Ritual.

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Pesky my friend, there is and has been for a long time, a drive to race replace the white English population in this country (England) if you dont mind, then I can argue with you no more, that is your choice, and although I dont like it, I respect your decision, however, I am proud of my Germanic roots, and will be until the day I die, look it up mate, ethnic English do exist, and are a separate ethnic group, under the race relations act, any form of intolerance, denial, or ill feeling towards my ethnic group and our right to exist, is racism pure and simple, to deny that a people exist, is surely the greatest form of racism, I grew up in a country that by and large, was proud of who we are and our heritage, and no matter how the sweaties in power try to make us feel guilty, or tell us we are a country of immigrants, we are not going away, the movement is growing, and we WILL take back what is rightfully ours, you can shove multiculturalism where the sun dont shine, there are forces at work, in our land that you simply could not comprehend :yes:

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Pesky my friend, there is and has been for a long time, a drive to race replace the white English population in this country (England) if you dont mind, then I can argue with you no more, that is your choice, and although I dont like it, I respect your decision, however, I am proud of my Germanic roots, and will be until the day I die, look it up mate, ethnic English do exist, and are a separate ethnic group, under the race relations act, any form of intolerance, denial, or ill feeling towards my ethnic group and our right to exist, is racism pure and simple, to deny that a people exist, is surely the greatest form of racism, I grew up in a country that by and large, was proud of who we are and our heritage, and no matter how the sweaties in power try to make us feel guilty, or tell us we are a country of immigrants, we are not going away, the movement is growing, and we WILL take back what is rightfully ours, you can shove multiculturalism where the sun dont shine, there are forces at work, in our land that you simply could not comprehend :yes:

"there is and has been for a long time, a drive to race replace the white English population in this country"

A drive by whom..., specifically?


"ethnic English do exist, and are a separate ethnic group, under the race relations act, any form of intolerance, denial, or ill feeling towards my ethnic group and our right to exist, is racism"

Okay, I consider myself corrected and accept that 'English' is a race. I don't feel or demonstrate any ill feeling toward any race of people.


Genuine question though, how many 'pure bred' English people are even left in existence?

The mixing and dilution of the Germanic/Anglo genetic bloodline has been going on for hundreds of years..., and probably since the first day the Angles & Saxons first landed on these shores. And it's now probably less threatened by the likes of Asians & Africans than it has been in the past by say the Celts, as black and asians are probably less likely, at least in the short term, to breed with ethnic English...., especially if they all feel the same as you do.


Just so I can understand where you're coming from, is it a pure bloodline that you're keen we preserve, i.e. nothing but tracability back to the settlers, or is it okay to have say an Irish or maybe an Italian grandfather? If an Irish grandfather is okay, is it different to say having a Jamaican or an Indian grandfather? How many of the circa 54 million people living in England don't have a splash of Irish, Scots etc. in their blood?


"we are not going away, the movement is growing, and we WILL take back what is rightfully ours, you can shove multiculturalism where the sun dont shine, there are forces at work, in our land that you simply could not comprehend :yes:"

You may think you're working on the 'final solution' but you and your mate sitting drinking cider in his flat on a Monday afternoon talking about what you'd do with all the 'mussies and rag heads' doesn't constitute a viable threat to the status quo. This isn't the first veiled threat and reference you've made to some day of reckoning, but I genuinely believe that you are far more of a threat to yourself than you are to anyone else.


People have always moved around this planet of ours.., look at the last few hundred years, the Americas, Oceania and parts of Africa. Mass movement and population by Europeans. Go back far enough and we all apparently walked here from Africa!

People will continue to move around driven by need and aspiration....just like your Germanic ancestors did.

Thing you need to get to grips with now is, you've no more right to lay claim to England than the next man born & raised in England, regardless of whether his grandfather was born in Orkney, Cork, Rome, Kingston or Bombay. Get used to it because it's never going away.

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Tell you what Pesky.... I fuuckin hate your sort ;)


Piece of shit is what you are, hating your own now do us all a favour; fuckk off back under that slimy stone with the rest of your self hating labour fuckwit mates ;)


ps I hope you one day experience multiculturism in it's greatest form ;)

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Tell you what Pesky.... I fuuckin hate your sort ;)


Piece of shit is what you are, hating your own now do us all a favour; fuckk off back under that slimy stone with the rest of your self hating labour fuckwit mates ;)


ps I hope you one day experience multiculturism in it's greatest form ;)

"hating your own"

I don't hate anyone.., what have I said that makes you think I hate anyone? And what the fcuk are 'my own'? A bunch of fcukin limp dick misfits that are looking for someone to blame for the fact that they fcuked up their lives?


Also, I've never voted labour or lib in my life, and I don't hate myself. Nor do I love myself too much, or have an inflated sense of self importance like I think you do.

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I would like to think Pesky that I do not come across as someone who sits drinking cider on a monday afternoon ;) as nice as that may sound, I am usually too busy at work, so I can pay my taxes to contribute towards all the scrounging immigrant scum walking our streets,or sat drinking cider when I am at work! I know where Mushroom is coming from, but I am beyond hatred of your kind, you genuinely have my pity, you are the architects of your own destruction, and you cant wait for it to happen, your use of leading questions is quite clever, but I have said enough on an open forum, you see I suspect I am not the only one, you have been sussed pal, we know why you are here :hmm: I will leave you with this thought, the English have been here for around one thousand six hundred years, we made this land our homeland by war and conquest, initially invited (see Hengist and Horsa) the founding fathers if you like of England, by the romanised Britons who after the legions of rome left, wanted help fighting the Pictish invaders from the north, then as the Saxons, Angles etc fought battles for land at home, Brittania, gradually became home for the germanic invaders, that would become the modern English, our ancestors bones lie in English soil, and we are a part of the land, and the land a part of us, if you think we will capitulate and give it all up, just because the traitors in power deem it so, then let me tell you my friend, WE WONT EVER :victory:

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I'd like to point out I ain't fuckedd my life up pal I have plenty set aside for the future and already paid for two houses ;)


You and you type are the reason our country is fuucked up, tell you when one of yours is raped or murdered by some uncontrolled immigrant don't come crying love ;)

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I would like to think Pesky that I do not come across as someone who sits drinking cider on a monday afternoon ;) as nice as that may sound, I am usually too busy at work, so I can pay my taxes to contribute towards all the scrounging immigrant scum walking our streets,or sat drinking cider when I am at work! I know where Mushroom is coming from, but I am beyond hatred of your kind, you genuinely have my pity, you are the architects of your own destruction, and you cant wait for it to happen, your use of leading questions is quite clever, but I have said enough on an open forum, you see I suspect I am not the only one, you have been sussed pal, we know why you are here :hmm: I will leave you with this thought, the English have been here for around one thousand six hundred years, we made this land our homeland by war and conquest, initially invited (see Hengist and Horsa) the founding fathers if you like of England, by the romanised Britons who after the legions of rome left, wanted help fighting the Pictish invaders from the north, then as the Saxons, Angles etc fought battles for land at home, Brittania, gradually became home for the germanic invaders, that would become the modern English, our ancestors bones lie in English soil, and we are a part of the land, and the land a part of us, if you think we will capitulate and give it all up, just because the traitors in power deem it so, then let me tell you my friend, WE WONT EVER :victory:

Charlie boy, we had this same back & forth a while back and I said then and I'll say it again, it's all 'just wait and see' and 'when the time comes' with you. It's all impotent wind and fcuking p!sh with you and your kind. Living in a dream world pal.


Noted that you never answered my questions from my previous post, you might have had to deviate from the script. Tell me, how many of the 'ethnic English' are going to answer the call to arms?


"you see I suspect I am not the only one, you have been sussed pal, we know why you are here"

You know why I'm here..., add that to the list of things you've got wrong. Judging by the tone of your posts you think like your some kind of oracle, but really you know fcuk all. The only reason I post on these threads is to provide some sort of balance..., that and that I fcukin detest the cowardice of bullying.


Every word uttered on this site represents hunting. It concerns me that the number of anti-muslim and racist threads is over represented on this site. Most are started by the usual dozen or so suspects. You don't represent me and I'm just letting you know it.

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I'd like to point out I ain't fuckedd my life up pal I have plenty set aside for the future and already paid for two houses ;)


You and you type are the reason our country is fuucked up, tell you when one of yours is raped or murdered by some uncontrolled immigrant don't come crying love ;)

Two posts in a row where you haven't been 'laughing your fcukin ass off' Mush...., you must be riled :haha:


" I have plenty set aside for the future and already paid for two houses"

What do you want, a round of fcukin applause? That's kind of what I was getting at when I referred to your inflated sense of self importance. This isn't the first time you've been on here blowing your trumpet. On a recent thread about drink and drug addiction your contribution was something like 'closing deals & making money is my drug'. When I read that my only thought was 'what a fcukin wanker'..., and I bet I wasn't the only one.


"You and you type are the reason our country is fuucked up"

You know nothing of who I am or what I do or have done for this country, you only think you do.....fact.


"when one of yours is raped or murdered by some uncontrolled immigrant don't come crying love"

I'm not in favour of 'uncontrolled immigration', as you read in the post I made earlier in the thread in response to Maxhardcore.


If any one of mine was raped or murdered by anyone, the likes of you would be the last people I'd come to. Now why don't you fcuk off out to play on your roller skates before it gets dark.


PS. and stop fcukin winking at me you freak ;)

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I refer you to mushrooms post earlier, something about sex and travel, :bye: quisling troll

Neither quisling nor troll..., just a lone voice speaking out for the silent majority of decent British citzens.


:bye: Ciao for now. Give me a shout when the revolution's about to start. :laugh:

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Like I said yesterday Pesky if anyone has to suffer at the hands of in vetted illegal immigrants

I hope it you and yours and your ilk and not the millions up on millions of Brits that don't want uncontrolled immigration and definatley not one bit of illegal immigration.q

If I had my way they would be security with rubber bullets and big sticks and tear gas at Calais and again at Dover to make sure those trying to get here illegally think twice and spread the word.


Next Summer Vote Ukip before it's too late.

Or stay forever Quiet.

Max, I'm struggling a bit with what you're trying to say..., and you're obviously struggling to understand what I said, or meant to say, yesterday.

To recap; you said, and I quote "Pesky controlled immigration of the right law abiding folk is ok. Uncontrolled immigration of the types who want our downfall ain't ok by a long chalk."

I AGREE with you. We shouldn't have uncontrolled immigration. We shouldn't have people coming here where their sole aim is to claim benefits, or to exploit the NHS. We shouldn't be allowing people to come here if they don't want to integrate and contribute to society. We certainly shouldn't be allowing convicted criminals in. To some extent I don't even think we should be letting a Polish brickie work here if there's a lad from Burnley on the dole that could do the job.

The solution though isn't to persecute the people who are unfortunate and desperate enough to want to come here. I certainly don't want any of these poor cnuts camped at Calais crossing the channel, but I don't hate them, I feel sorry for them. In some ways I probably even admire their spirit.

But before you say vote UKIP, I don't believe they are the long term solution. They are a symptom of the political landscape and are giving the tories a shake but long term it has to be mainstream political parties that fix this. Europe needs reform and I believe it will happen before the decade is out....and you and your pal Nigel will have done your bit.

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what a shower of f***ing wankers wishing rape on some one else you are the biggest load of botless tossers I have come across if it did come on top for any reason you all spend a month crapping yourselves in the f***ing carsy set of f***ing tossers

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I refer you to mushrooms post earlier, something about sex and travel, :bye: quisling troll


Neither quisling nor troll..., just a lone voice speaking out for the silent majority of decent British citzens.


:bye: Ciao for now. Give me a shout when the revolution's about to start. :laugh:


I refer you to mushrooms post earlier, something about sex and travel, :bye: quisling troll


Neither quisling nor troll..., just a lone voice speaking out for the silent majority of decent British citzens.


:bye: Ciao for now. Give me a shout when the revolution's about to start. :laugh:

Are you sure you speak for the silent majority


in these parts people have had enough

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Simples f**k them all off. They want multiculturalism for now as it suits them but it sure won't be long till they want to rule the country..that goes for all immigrants be they brown yellow pink or yellow. If people want to call me a racist then so be it. If been proud to be white English britsh who doesn't like the fact that thousands of scum bags are flooding this country with there f****d up religion ,beliefs,and sacrifices, maKes me a racist then yea looks like I'm racist.......they should of never been let in and as for the ones who seek in and then try claim benefits well put them on a bus drive them to the border put them on a armed fery send them back and tell them that if they try to re enter they will be shot at.....

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Simples f**k them all off. They want multiculturalism for now as it suits them but it sure won't be long till they want to rule the country..that goes for all immigrants be they brown yellow pink or yellow. If people want to call me a racist then so be it. If been proud to be white English britsh who doesn't like the fact that thousands of scum bags are flooding this country with there f****d up religion ,beliefs,and sacrifices, maKes me a racist then yea looks like I'm racist.......they should of never been let in and as for the ones who seek in and then try claim benefits well put them on a bus drive them to the border put them on a armed fery send them back and tell them that if they try to re enter they will be shot at.....

:clapper::clapper::clapper: :clapper:

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