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Five Year Old Child Killed In Sacrificial Ritual.

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A five year old child killed by his mother in Clackmannanshire in Scotland had his heart cut out whilst alive in a sacrificial ritual. His mother hailed from Botswana and I would like to thank this

We've been told for years, by all political parties, but especially Labour, that diversity and multi-culturism is good for us. No it's not. We, white, Anglo Saxon Christians, the vast majority of the

Yes and also we now feed her for the rest of her life at her majestys pleasure until a very kind person slits her throut mistaking her for a goat..

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Does it matter what colour a kiddy fiddler is ??? black white yellow or brown or what the %,s are, upon on conviction execute the f*ckers simples, without a deterrent what chance do you have of stopping these sick f*ckers

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Delswal I notice you put Iran do yo know any Iranian beggars and tramps? here and as for a shithole don't they say Yorkshire is the cesspit of Bradford LOL. Lads on here like to point out colour and religion and point that as being the reason for kiddy fiddlers so tables turn don't they political point scoring on race creed or colour doesnot solve f**k all

Edited by desertbred
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Delswal I notice you put Iran do yo know any Iranian beggars and tramps here and as for a shithole don't they say Yorkshire is the cesspit of Bradford LOL

depend on what colour skin you have. Bradford is like Afghanistan and full of mussies so they see it one way..the White non mussies will probly see Bradford aka Afghanistan as a cesspit.....funny realy how the mussies are in are country but call it a cesspitt ........maybe they should go back to shifting in holes and living in sheds then
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The irony being you are the real racist of course pesky.

:hmm: ....go on then...[/quote


Think he means because your a mussie and your trying take over the world

I'm not a muslim and I'm not sure why (for the 2nd time now) you've said I am.


Anyway, how many of my tax pounds went on your education...., 'cos I want my fcukin money back. Is it any wonder that 35% of NHS staff weren't born here and that we have to import educated people from places like India and Africa. Sorry state of affairs.

Edited by pesky1972
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Delswal I notice you put Iran do yo know any Iranian beggars and tramps here and as for a shithole don't they say Yorkshire is the cesspit of Bradford LOL

No Db I do not know any Iranian beggars, but I do know plenty of Iranians and the ones I know all have a chip on their shoulders. But I would not judge them all like that only the ones I know. Oh and most of the ones I do know are ex military and would not trust one as far as I could throw a dead donkey tbh

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The irony being you are the real racist of course pesky.

:hmm: ....go on then...[/quote


Think he means because your a mussie and your trying take over the world

I'm not a muslim and I'm not sure why (for the 2nd time now) you've said I am. Anyway, how many of my tax pounds went on your education...., 'cos I want my fcukin money back. Is it any wonder that 35% of NHS staff weren't born here and that we have to import educated people from places like India and Africa. Sorry state of affairs.





none your money whent on my schooling .....my mums and dads did ..

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We should be more selective about who comes here.they should have funds to support them selves. Proof of accommodation. Character ref.CV.s.proof of employment etc.prob is a lot of foreign countries have different values.morals.or beliefs that don't mix well here.

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I see you've got Scotland on your avator bullx FFS TALKING ABOUT BRADFORD lol[/quote



Well I'll have listen to the TALK ABOUT SCOTLAND then as you've probly spent more time in Scotland than I have.......and I'm sure Scotland isn't as full of towel head camel jockeys as Bradford is

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