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Five Year Old Child Killed In Sacrificial Ritual.

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Threads going off on a bit of a tangent. She only did it out to find out if the rumour of the childs heart being a bit of fried chicken was true.

That comment just about sums all you hatemongers up.


The reasons for what happened to the little boy aren't yet known, but you all think you are qualified to pass judgement based on what..., the speculation of you and a bunch of your racist cronies?

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Guest ragumup

DB you crack me with your twisting of history, the amount of Nobel prizes Muslims have won ever , you could count on two hands...And Islam simply stole invention/ideas of the civilization they took over rather than create them ...


Everyone that supports a political party is a bigot ....


I've noticed theres not much Islamic art is that because its banned in the Islamic world ?

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you really are thick Rag u muppet Islamic art is "calligraphy and the Moghul period of India was also Islamic art wally LOL stupidy is your forte muppet not that you would know that and also didn't you bother to check who hands out nobel prizes ? One thing for sure muppet if nobels discovery was brains you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose as for political parties UKIP is the party for Bigots

Edited by desertbred
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Truther its simple the comparison is there certain things that happened cannot be undone but that does not justify them to continue .Prophet had a Daughter so again you are factually wrong you state he had no offspring You again glean snippets from the internet or hearsay and don't bother to ascertain the voracity or not. The same you raised Malala Yousafzai now answer the points I raised you have conveniently skimmed over them are you a plasterer by any chance LOL the naval dock yard the piracy on the high seas etc are still on the statute yet the sentence of death cannot be carried out as death penalty is abolished so you cant see the comparison with acts or occurencies that took place before but are not legally acted upon now it is the same situation with Shariat and islam. Historical events are regularly posted concerning Islam yet when the historical events relating to the misadventures and illegal activities of the Empire or commonwealth are brought up it is a cry of that was years ago and things don't have relevance similar activities Henry the 8th springs to mind murdering his wifes changing the religion of the country to enable him to divorce and to marry many wives . The child brides in your own royal family even things like the demise of Diana don't suppose that had anything to do with her going to marry a Muslim plenty of skeletons in the British closet I am thinking but they are not to be discussed.Lets see how deep this boy scouts buggary goes for the time being, it will be hushed up no doubt like the church scandals and the saville case etc


Couple of points DB,


I said "Aisha" died childless, not mohammed, mo should have had dozens of children with 15 regular sexual partners, and he only managed 1?


I never mentioned malala yousafazi? someone else that, so no "skimming over" that's more your style.


Henry the 8th, sexcase and murderer DB, i went in to the royal canonical marriages not long ago when you brought up European royals marring children, most never consumated, and nothing to compare a 54 year old raping a 9 year old girl. Im anti royal anyway mate, as much right to be here as you in my eyes.


And ive already said we have our share of pedo's here, but again their ours, and will be dealt with through our system, which does not condone kiddy fiddling, unlike yours ;)

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more white kiddy fiddlers I think you will find encarcerated Truther. Most of these child marriages you talk about in Islam were never consummated until after puberty so again Truther skimming your angle beads are not straight. More rapists kiddy fiddlers and criminals are put to death in our legal system than yours so that speaks for itself half these Asian kiddy fiddlers here have run away from Islamic countries to the west because they know the law here is so soft on those caught. Again Truther you are wrong you get some concise pertinent reliable facts before you come to the table for discussion oh and I don't have to go on google to get my facts everytime unlike most of you the religion of wikipeadia LOL also final point you will not find an Islamic country that passed a law legalising homosexuality and reduced the age of consent from 21 to 16 to allow arse banditary of minors.

Edited by desertbred
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Threads going off on a bit of a tangent. She only did it out to find out if the rumour of the childs heart being a bit of fried chicken was true.

That comment just about sums all you hatemongers up.


The reasons for what happened to the little boy aren't yet known, but you all think you are qualified to pass judgement based on what..., the speculation of you and a bunch of your racist cronies?


Racist cronies,brilliant, well if not wishing to see my beloved England swamped by flotsam from the turd world, having a sense of national identity, being proud to be English, and of my race and culture, and not being ruled over by liberal, leftard scum, who tell me that I am being enriched by all the multi culti bullshit they spout, whilst totally distancing themselves from their multicultural hellholes they have created, makes me a racist, then I embrace the term, you and your kind are the real racists, but nevermind when your enemy is the truth, you will always lose in the end.

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The problem is these objects come here(obviously because we need enriching) from some fly blown sh*t hole, and carry on just as they do back home, from child rape, to beheadings,to ritual murder, we should all feel far more enriched and grateful that they have spiced up our previously mundane lives, thankyou to the liberal elite traitors in government, we wont forget you when the time comes :thumbs:

to right.........they should be the first ones go when the shit finally hits the fan and the ,ENGLISH ,BRITISH ,none Muslim (or any other f****d up religion trying to over run are country)public decide that theyl take there country back
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more white kiddy fiddlers I think you will find encarcerated Truther. Most of these child marriages you talk about in Islam were never consummated until after puberty so again Truther skimming your angle beads are not straight. More rapists kiddy fiddlers and criminals are put to death in our legal system than yours so that speaks for itself half these Asian kiddy fiddlers here have run away from Islamic countries to the west because they know the law here is so soft on those caught. Again Truther you are wrong you get some concise pertinent reliable facts before you come to the table for discussion oh and I don't have to go on google to get my facts everytime unlike most of you the religion of wikipeadia LOL also final point you will not find an Islamic country that passed a law legalising homosexuality and reduced the age of consent from 21 to 16 to allow arse banditary of minors.

only reason there's more white kiddy fiddlers about is because if you look tanned or are a Mussie its not called kiddy fiddling it's called temporary Marage by religion hahahahaha
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Multiculturalism? Who really wants it? I don't, if I did I would move abroad as it is I don't, migrants immigrants they don't want it so why come here?


It will not be long before our shores will turn into a sh*t hole from were these migrants immigrants come from, Pakistan Afghanistan Somalia Libya Iraq Iran all sh*t holes, they come here for a better life but want to revert to how they lived from were they came?


F*cking begging tramps thats all they are, wanting free handouts or a better education,then use that education to bite the hands that fed them.


Am I a racist? I guess them comments make me one so yes I am, but do I want UKIP in power? Do I f*ck,

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