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Guest lurcher-lass

thats a good question :laugh:


Good on him for standing by what he dose tho, not just for him but also his family as he said he brings food in for the table, :thumbs:

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Guest little_lloyd

I reckon hes a good man :thumbs:


Not many familys are out in the countryside doing things as a family or eating heathy yet wild meat over the shite there is in supermarkets these days!!


That face on the candyfloss when she was skining the rabbit,...PRICELESS :clapper::clapper:

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Guest lurcher-lass
I reckon hes a good man :thumbs:


Not many familys are out in the countryside doing things as a family or eating heathy yet wild meat over the shite there is in supermarkets these days!!


That face on the candyfloss when she was skining the rabbit,...PRICELESS :clapper::clapper:



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Guest Brownbear

I thought he was a nutter. Clearly chosen by the production company to give the impression that everyone who catches their own food is a psycho, he played his part to perfection. OK, the woman who came to him was a bit bossy and a city type, but that's the whole point of the show. WTF was he expecting, an inner-city Jane to his medicated Tarzan act? The way he shouted at her and threatened her was bizarre, the way his moods flipped was frankly scary. When they all met up he began to rant about 'tearing apart' the other couple, and his poor wife started to cry and attempt to calm him. He looked like a pothead to me, the way he swung between withdrawn bone-idleness and seething rage.


Then at the end when he announced he's decided to give up work and send his wife out, she looked more terrified than before. I've seen netted rabbits look less scared than that when I picled them up for a stretch.


And was I the only one to notice that for all his talk about 'shooting' he was seen only with an air rifle? I can't see any firearms dept giving a raving loon like that a certificate.

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Eye what a hunter his nets were clean as a whistle and them pegs had never been in the ground..


Summer ferreting he was a total freak his dog run and shed were like a shanty town...


Fair do's killing rabbits for the table he could still skin the feckers for the woman he did not have much style for skinning them too.. He portrayed hunters in a dim light i would not want folk at my work saying "aint that what you do??"


36 ferrets coarse he worked them he was a fu*kin clown with no respect for that fat lass he was totally aggressive no need.. Pure prik

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Just caught the end of this shite last night as it was on when i came in and i have to agree with some on here who's posted...........THAT GUY WAS A TOTAL ROCKET !!!! he seemed to have some real anger issues going on in his head and his rant at the end :icon_eek: his poor wife seemed petrified :cry:


Imagine out for a morning ferreting with this nutter and he goes off on one........ spade.........bong!!!! :whistling: or even worse a night out lamping with this psyco at your back......feck that!!!!

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
Imagine out for a morning ferreting with this nutter and he goes off on one........ spade.........bong!!!!




:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: And those vicious b*stards in the chat room were saying it was me! :icon_eek:


Rotten f*ckers! Ye All Banned!!! :laugh:




God, I wish I could've seen that! Sounds like a right one!

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