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Russel Brand

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You lot seem to hate brand but do you hate what he says? His points to me seem valid. Everyone seems to have more hate for brand than the likes of Murdock who are allowed to get away with so much. We don't have a true democracy and we don't have a fair system. The elite and rich are allowed to get away with anything. They f**k up and everyone else pays the price and is made to turn on each other. A revolution wouldn't be a bad thing at all IMO have said it way before brand. If the Muslim terrorists took out parliament I bet 99% of my generation wouldn't give a shit what so ever. Of course though its the working class kids who'll pay the price for the elites decisions of pissing off the Muslims.

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I'd never sicken of punching the scruffy f****r !

How the f**k did he get in Katty Perry knickers. My hats off to him for that one

Quick question, if not ukip, who then?. I don't for one minute think Farage and his team will solve all problems, I also don't doubt the stronger they grow the more halfwits will materialise and they

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Once again, distorted facts about UKIP. They DIDN'T have foreigners delivering leaflets. They ordered their leaflets from a BRITISH company, who then subcontracted the order to a foreign company who printed them. UKIP weren't aware of this, and when it was pointed out to them, they have refused to deal with the company again. Farage isn't screaming for the re-distribution of wealth, as Brand is; if Brand wants to re-distribute the wealth why not be an example and start with his ? He is a hippoctite, because all this is just a publicity ploy to keep him in the public eye, and help him sell more books and make more money !


You mean they came clean when they got caught at it, typical politicians, and no mention of farage hiding his own money? If Brand was a skint nobody he wouldn't be listened to like the rest of us, and i think pointing out the big companies just don't pay tax after making profits out of our population when the rest of us are hounded for every penny, hardly counts as asking for the redistribution of wealth, its "one law for everybody" nothing more. Face the fact that all politicians work for themselves, and the ruling minority, at the expense of the majority. If you're looking for any politician to sort the country out you'll be sadly disappointed mate.


Are UKIP the answer, will they be just as corrupt as the others ? Who knows, but I'm so disillusioned with the lies of LibLabCon I'm willing to give them a chance. What's the alternative ? Champagne Socialists, Millionaire Anarchists ? Not for me ! I can see straight through the likes of Brand.. he only wants the publicity; and anyhow, I despise him and Ross for what they did to Andrew Sachs; neither of them should have been allowed back on our screens, purile, spoilt, rich people with very little real intelligence.



Im not defending Brand as a person mate, the Sach's thing was wrong, and i never liked the bloke, but some of what he says makes sense to me, i agree with farage on some things, Europe and foreign aid, charity begins at home, but i don't trust him to keep his word, then again i think the whole ukip thing is a scam to take votes away from labour? labour will flood us again, not that cameron hit any targets on the slowdown, they're all a shower of shite imo. But what's the answer? it don't matter who gets in/takes over, it all ends the same way, then starts again.

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You lot are seriously delusional if you think that any politician cares about this country. It is just a means to an end with them. Their end is accumulating as much wealth as possible. We, are the means with which they achieve their end. You are all blaming every ill that this country has on politicians, when it is more than the politicians. It is the human nature that is at fault, because at the heart of every human there lies one fault. Greed.


It is in every person it does not matter if it is for money, food any commodity people are never satisfied they always want more, and are willing to use any subterfuge to achieve their ends.



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Quick question, if not ukip, who then?.

I don't for one minute think Farage and his team will solve all problems, I also don't doubt the stronger they grow the more halfwits will materialise and they'll cock things up from time to time. But dear God, how can any sane person consider what that is on offer now, lab/lib/con as the best we can ever have.

Quick aside, I watched the labour mp last night and I quote "we made mistakes with immigration and we apologised" you apologise when you fart in company or bump into someone, these clowns fcuk up the country and because they say sorry they think all is forgiven?.

Ukip are far from perfect, but at this moment in time they are the only party with anything like what I would vote for.

How can they possibly be any worse than the political drivel we've been spoon fed for generations?.

Why are people afraid to give them a chance?, they can be voted out if they are pish like all other parties.

Who knows the British public might actually benefit, we won't know till we try them.

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I know its different down South, we have the SNP, and it looks like Labour in Scotland are in for a big shock, and the Cons and libs are a no no, up here.

if i was down South i certainly would not be voting Lab, Con, or lib, they need a big kick in the teeth, i have never known the public to be so fed up. and i agree with last post, for that labour person on question time to say Labour have apologized for getting immigration wrong, the whole lot involved should have been sacked and booted out.

you also need to get rid of that giant gravy train, known as the House Of Lords, i was listening to PMs questions, and never mind the booing, and hear hears, there was someone making mooing noises, what fecking planet do these people come from.

And can you imagine that Labour MPs still feel Millipead is the man to run the Country, when the general public cant stand him.

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Bird with the blue hair dont have to worry about loosing her jobs to people willing to work for less money. I will be amazed if she has a job lol wouldn't hire her with that silly hair. Punk is dead love.

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Bird with the blue hair dont have to worry about loosing her jobs to people willing to work for less money. I will be amazed if she has a job lol wouldn't hire her with that silly hair. Punk is dead love.

With a name like Bunny Le Roch proberbly some left wing middle class champaghn socialist.

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Bird with the blue hair dont have to worry about loosing her jobs to people willing to work for less money. I will be amazed if she has a job lol wouldn't hire her with that silly hair. Punk is dead love.

With a name like Bunny Le Roch proberbly some left wing middle class champaghn socialist.[/quote


Is that her name? Wouldnt surprise me then at all. Probably lived a few weeks in a squat during the day to rebel against mummy and daddy. Probs smokes too much weed and dont live in the real world. Tell you what though she's got a vile mouth on her lol if i ever had a bird shout at me like that woman or not you'll be on your arse. Acted no different than the scum of Jeremy Kyle.

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