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Russel Brand

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What you make of him? Seems like papers try to say if your rich you can't have an opinion. Thing is if he wasn't a "celebrity" he wouldn't be getting the coverage he does. Think he makes some good points tbh.

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I'd never sicken of punching the scruffy f****r !

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I never liked the bloke tbh, but then he started telling everybody how it really is very publicly, on TV/ vids, he once said "no politicians are really trying to solve this country's problems, stop playing their silly game and stop voting" and i totally agree with that. and fair play to him for saying anything, he could just ride the celebrity gravy train like the rest and keep his gob shut.


If the papers are trying to discredit him its probably because he said he might run for London mayor, the powers that be wont want anybody who tells the truth in that position, hope he gets the job and stirs things up a bit.

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He was on a protest march against rents being put up in some part of london, then it was found out he rents a penthouse in the same area for about half a million quid a year, and pays it to an offshore company that pays no tax. Mans a hippocrite, pure and simple.

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Self appointed saviour of the '' people ''........ see's himself as a politician.. at least you can vote the other looser's in ... we sadly have no choice with this idiot :laugh:

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See I don't think he sees himself as a politican. I'm sure the mayor comment wasn't made by him he just refused to comment on it? If he didnt have the media status he does the issues he is bringing up wouldnt get no where near as much notice. The issues he speaks about do you all agree or disagree with them? Not your opinion on russel but the subjects his bringing up. As for the sun to call him a hypocrite..he has since owned them IMO big time. How many people rent a place and know anything about their landlords bank accounts? His lucky enough that he can afford to pay his rent his just bringing abit of attention to those who can't and are being pushed out of their homes.

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