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Missing Your Dogs When Your Working Away

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Alright lads and lasses, most Peaple have the luck to finish work in a night go home to there wife's or husbands nice hot meals comfortable beds and if your really lucky dabbing your little pecker in the hot spot or vise versa lol .

I've been with my misses for nearly15 year and miss her every day I'm away from her grafting , but lately since my pup blade has come of age and proved he can graft I'm finding it more frustrating not been home with him out grafting witch he loves than I'am missing the wife any one els find this normal or just me been mad

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I work away aswell mate find it hard at times with a women and 2kids at home but needs must and all that. I av ad working dogs for 10 years but this year I have ad to give them up as I am back working away so the kids and other half can have what thay want and live happy. To me giveing up dogs was like loosing an arm when it's my weekend off I sit there wishing I ad a lurcher to go have move with but with me Nd the other half working it hard to keep a working dog (I am not the one for keeping a working dog in a pen 24/7 to me it should be out day in day out) I still get out on my weekend off with Stabba tho am happy with that :thumbs:

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We do go to the pub for a few but I keep clear of them night clubs and bookes I end up blowing a fortune in the fookes lol, I usually get home around six on Fridays but I'm working today so we stayed down,when I was on the phone to the wife about 8 last night she said the dogs have been watching out the window since five o'clock waiting for me to get back the poor little buggers to me that's loyalty though proper loyalty

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