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Fox Traps , Treadle Plate Or Pull Bait System ?

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Hi I've used live cage traps for the last few years I've has change both my traps to the pull cord system ( when bait is pulled the door drops ) rather than the pressure plate than they have to stand on . I have had a lot more success now I use the pull bait rather then the pressure plate . What do you prefer to you use .? .? Atb

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String triangle, completely passive, cheap, fast and effective.


Will foxes push against it in the same way Matt?


I just wonder if a fox would prefer to take a bait and run (triggering the trap) rather than push against a string matrix ... ? The fox and badger have different bait taking responses IMO

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I've caught a few foxes in badger traps baited with peanuts :yes:


The major advantage of the string triangle is that it's passive. You aren't asking the quarry to do anything. If it pushes pulls or even just trips on the string it's game over. :yes:


Cheap, simple and very, very effective.

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You can have both treadle and pull cord operation in the one trap.

The treadle can be attached to the trigger cord so that the treadle is pulled up against a stop and a loop on the same wire can be used for attaching your bait so either a pull or step on the treadle can fire the trap. I modified a trap a few years ago, never sure which action triggered, it was just an experiment and the trap caught well. Now I suppose this could be verified by trail cams that are now widely available.

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Treadle type in the vast majority of domestic type environments, they need appropriate maintenance/setting to ensure they work appropriately, but they work much better than pull bait types when you have a bit of dog/cat food, or biscuits in a bowl as bait.


This type of bait tends to be more domestic client friendly than many pull baits as well. I don't have any issue with the effectiveness of the treadle, the main issue (if any) as with so many animals/traps, is actually getting the fox in it to start with.


Whatever works in the environment you want it to work in is the real answer.



Edited by Deker
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