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Can You Stop Or Not ??? ........

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How many lads on here can stop when out lamping or ferreting ... I find it easy to get what I want and call it a night or day ... I had a break in the fog last week and took the youngster out for a wander ... I lamped a few spots moved on lamped a few more and before I knew it I had thirty rabbits in the back of the truck ... Now to me that was plenty I didn't even need the thirty if I am honest but I wasn't counting ... I had a few more spots to do and it wasn't particularly late but I was happy with what I had and headed home ... Can you lads stop when you have had what you want or do you keep going until the end ??? ..........

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I lamp till ive got half a dozen rabbits or till ive had enough of walking .... id stay out all night if the bunnys where about but there aint many about local and i dont drive so am f****d :laugh:

Edited by chid21
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that would depend on circumstances, i can just walk out with the dog and the lamp any time i fancy it, but if someone was say going up the dales then it would be different, you don't travel up there for a couple of rabbits :laugh:

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that would depend on circumstances, i can just walk out with the dog and the lamp any time i fancy it, but if someone was say going up the dales then it would be different, you don't travel up there for a couple of rabbits :laugh:

true that :thumbs: it depends suppose where you going, if lot of rabbits there you will push the dog harder and lamp longer. But if not many rabbits there you prob take it bit more easy and knock off earlier , plus if your selling your catch you try bit harder to prob cover your diesel from the bag. :yes:

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i will be honest ,i do have a problem,, with the numbers game, and its not allways a good thig to get court up with im out tomorrow, ive got 50 in me head before i set off pressure you dont need,,,, ,,, i hope to change big time with the dogs since i lost ern the law of average was telling me some,think mite apon,, and it did,,,,, has for ferreting i hope i can give my all every time i go out,,its my body what go,s through the mill at the end of the day,,, and i would sooner it be that.. than me dog these days,,,

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