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What Would You Buy ??

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After a few recent events with either my partners family of parts of my family being left sums of money it's left me thinking ....


I'm crap at saving money so it would have to be items to buy that in time will increase in value, I've bought hunting books aprox 50 - 60 at the min on the hope that they'll go up in value, I've bought some pottery (very little)


but I'm torn between picking up bits of jewellery / gold or watches ??


Which do you think will have a better chance on increasing in value ??


High end watches or gold ??


I'm not talking of spending a lot on them maybe a grand a year :hmm:

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Land .......

Risk of fire .....id like to know how a fire starts in multi million pound super hi tec vaults......that is such a silly article theres risk in any investment but theres reasons way beyond standard e

All the green belt around here is owned by the city council or the big boys like Barratt and Bellway. You'd need to be a billionaire to buy any.

Save up more than a grand and buy a nice race horse , get a syndicate going and get it in a few point to points , then a get it in a hunters chase race......



btw i know where theres a few horses for sale :laugh: :laugh:

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Gold goes down as well as up, but over the longer run it always ends up higher. It's just knowing when to sell. Buying now while it's down should net a profit when it starts to rise again. One thing gold has an advantage over jewellery, watches, wine, etc is that it is quoted on the stock markets so there is little chance of you being conned if you use a reputable dealer.

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Most wine investments are a racket from people I've s0oken to as you get charged for storage unless you're talking about bottles and then you've got to know your stuff.


While you are paying for bonded storeage in perfect atmospheric conditions ( around 12 pound per case per year with most big firms ) that price also includes the experience of advisors telling you what and when to buy/sell etc..... so compared to investing in other things you know nothing about its not too high price to pay.......particularly keeping in mind you might not even touch a bottle of wine from year to year......for a casual investment that you can just forget about and sit on the wine is a steady little number ;)

Edited by gnasher16
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i reckon its still small money,if your not putting much in .golds allways good,can use it as currency once we ve had a war with the mussies,or the shit hits the fan.i still reckon propertys a good long term investment.as you should hopefully recieve rent,and the proprty will go up in value,while your still taking rent each month.

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i would sell your gold and buy green belt close to building land as you can


spare land will run out in places pushing the price up. then green belt is reassessed. you could also take rent of it until your ready to sell

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As gnash said with the wine.


If you want to play markets safest option is callable and autocallable notes (research before even talking to an advisor)


land can be a good one especially in countries that are upcoming again research where possible developments might be ;)


I personally put about 2/3's of my monthly salary into plans but most of that money is locked for a good few years or until I kick the bucket. I can move some plans about if necessary but it costs me more than it's worth ;)


Best advice I can give is decide on three things;


length of investment

your risk value (can you afford for it to go tits up)

and what are you expecting for your ROI

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