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A Quick Mooch With Lass And Hob..

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had a short walk to a 3 holer set that's situated about 15 mins walk from my house. theres still plenty of cover and out of half a dozen different warrens the 3 holer was the only ferretable warren. so I entered my hob whilst lass waited in position and had a bolt almost straight away and lass nabbed it up before it got far... when I got the rabbit I noticed straight away it was of odd colour which infact it was a blue rabbit... my first ever and the first ever blue rabbit ive seen or heard of local... im over the moon with it and its fur felt really nice in comparison to a normal rabbit... cheers for looking guys





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gafer I take it that catching a blue one is pretty common to you then pal... its very rare to find odd colured rabbits local to me... me and a few of my family members have hunted this particular ground over the years and its the first to crop up... hopefully theres more... cheers :thumbs:

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