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Infrequent Monitoring Visits

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I’ve got another job I could use some experienced advice on:


I’ve got some possible customers with a couple of acres between them and some goats, ducks, that sort of thing.

They’ve asked me to look in from time to time to check for rats, but they’re not going to pay for more than quarterly visits.


I want to set up some monitoring points, but poison bait is obviously out of the question. The non-toxic monitoring bait is just as likely to be eaten by mice, voles, etc – they’re only interested in rats; happy to live with the mice. Trail cams are too expensive. I could use ordinary traps, but: (A) I don’t really want to be taking 3 month old dead rats out of my traps and (B ) they’ve got weasels and other wildlife they don’t want ending up in the traps.


I was thinking there might be some sort of ‘scientific’ monitoring equipment available; like ink pads, or clay that leaves footprints or something like that.


Any ideas?



Edited by Mr Muddy
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Sounds quite a lot of hassle for only 4 visits per annum.


I would use non toxic whole wheat, rats and mice eat differently, so should be able to tell who has been visiting.

Tracking dust 2 colours now available


Make a rectangle shaped tray an inch deep add wet mud, level off and leave where rats may go, should capture their foot prints


Wildlife cam £100 + get the owners to buy one

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I would refuse to do it, or at least offer quarterly visits with visual inspection only. In the event of activity being found (inevitable if they have ducks) then I would charge per visit until any infestation is cleared up.


My idea of pricing would be:


Quarterly visits to inspect, recommend and report accordingly £180 p/a

Initial visit to treat rodent activity £60

Follow up visits (twice a week) £30 each


The alternative is to do a more traditional type of contract with monthly visits to inspect, check traps, check non toxic bait points, recommend and report £720 p/a with all follow up visits charged at £15 each.


Don't undersell yourself just to get the job; either offer to do what is needed for a fair price, or walk away.

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