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Trap Modification

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Here's a thought ...


How much modification to a trap or trapping system would you have to do to make the trap 'different' from the one trialled for the STAO?


I mean, if you fit a new trigger to a BG, is it still the same trap? If you remove the safety catch from a trap, or change the shape of the plate, is it still the same? If you use a different tunnel to the one used when tested, is it still the same?


What do you think?

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I would think that if you change the dimensions, or the design of the trigger mechanism then the trap would be considered different than the STAO......

Oh, I've just got a Bellisle 110 here and it's the nicest BG i've handled....to all intents and purposes it is identical to the BMI 110 apart from a different dog, would this be classes as a 'clone'?

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I fit a home made "crunch proof" type swivel to all my 116's as well as modifying the triggers & removing the saftey catches....

As far as I am aware the only way to change a traps legal standing is by modifying any component or action upon which the initial testing was based.....

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So if the trigger system is modified then it remains the same?


If you replaced the standard wire trigger with, say a round one, or a smaller/larger one, would it work the same, and therefore be classed as the same trap?


What about adding new springs to a worn out trap? Would that be the same?


I am just being Devil's advocate here, and would like to hear your views - not looking for anything other than intelligent discussion/argument

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I think you have to let common sence prevail,..

But, in my opinion there is no need to go as far as modifying traps in the uk and I consider what we do to be " fine tuning" at best....

Trap modification covers things such as laminating which simply isn't required in the uk.

I think that swapping triggers is fine, as is extending chains, removing catches ect as these only have a bearing on how the trap fires and wouldn't affect its strength or the affect it has on its target species once caught...

Springs.....well the bg's springs can't be easily replaced, neither can the fenn or juby so that leaves the Imbra & yes, I swap mine as and when I need to but I'm only replacing like for like...

I'm 100% positive when I say that my traps ( once fine tuned ) would exceed the results achived when they were origionaly tested even though what mods have been done are subtle.

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I am not convinced entirely ... what constitutes a 'clone' trap? Would it be one that was exactly the same in manufacture and strength? If so why would a Duke or Belisle 110 BG not class as a clone for a 110 BMI?


There is a trap on the STAO that is stated was made in the US, the Aldrich spring snare, which was not true - the Aldrich that was passed for use by MAF is not the same trap as you could buy from the USA, it had been modified to the point that it is almost a different trap to the one you can buy - how does that work? Is it a clone of itself ... ??


It also states that the trap is for catching non-indigenous carnivores - could a mink be classed as such, I wonder?

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We seem to have gone off on a tangent here,...

From modification to clones but considering no one else has posted I'm prepared to give you my opinion,....


There are two different classifications for traps that are based ( by design) upon traps that already have approval,...

One could be called a copy, the other a clone,..

The copy would bear similarities in its shape / design and the manufacturing processes used to give the overall "look" of a trap already listed on the stao.

It would not have been made to such high quality standards as the origional and would also use cheaper materials & finishes.


It would have had no testing and would therefore carry no approval.

The clone would be just that,....

A trap that had been made to high standards using only suitable materials and manufacturing processes, one that has gone through all the relevant means of testing and passed therefore carrying its approval and being shown on the


In my opinion, if what you have ( or sell ) hasent been tested & approved then it's illiegal,...

It has to be exactly the same as that which was submitted for testing however long ago and it must be named on the stao,....

Small modifications should be legally allowed but I have neither the time or inclination to list the potential modifications to every trap on the stao...


But as food for thought .....

A fenn trap is now sold without a peg,....

The law states that traps must be securely anchored so they are in effect encouraging minor modifications ... Bearing in mind that the trap that was origionaly submitted for testing did not have a peg fitted....


It all gets a little stupid tbh & as I said above, you have to let common sence prevail...


Extended chains.... Yes

Saftey catches removed..... Yes

Serated teeth cut into trap jaws...... No

Sharp, spikey, impailing shit welded all over the feckin trap.....most Definitely not


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