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Fuji, it really baffles me how you can say that a dog that boxes is only any good for big land, imo a clever dog that tries to keep a hare away from cover is better off on smaller land where it can get an extended run from using its brains and not pushing its quarry straight into cover, like fast brainless dogs can do, a dog needs to box less on a big open fen than it does on smaller land with more cover about, so surely it's an advantage to have a dog that boxes for smaller land don't you think

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our 1st x takes fox anytime it presents itself.he spent 2 seasons out with a hound pack and took them at every oppertunity. everything hes been asked to do he has,hes taken some stick from them to

Fuji, it really baffles me how you can say that a dog that boxes is only any good for big land, imo a clever dog that tries to keep a hare away from cover is better off on smaller land where it can ge

My two the dog is the boxy type, very direct, on rabbits, boxy on the long ears, direct when flushing Roe has a great nose on him, bitch is direct, can run clever as well, she is clean bred saluki/whi

fuji,i appreciate that you're an experienced lurcherman but i have to say that statement you just made is utter rubbish.most of the better dogs i've seen had this boxing style to a greater or lesser degree.they could stop hares on any land not just big open plains.to say it only works on big land shows a lack of experience with this type imo.

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My salukis will run big or small land and will adjust there style to suit , They will even hunt up in cover if I turn them loose , Only one crafty c**t will wait outside the cover for the others to draw anything out he also will take quarry of any other dog that catches as he thinks they catch it for him. The bitches will kill anything in or out of cover from frogs to horns. It takes a good dog to box stuff and do it well . On big land why would you want to box its the paddocks and pastures with copses and game cover where boxing is needed. On the big land for old puss boxing to keep them off tracks or dykes and from piping boxing is just an extended way of turns and bends and when a dog learns the art of running it is just one of the tools in its box. I know what game is here and expect my dogs to do it all .just as the Coo dogs are expected to take all local game at home.

Edited by desertbred
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I doubt anyone needing serious fox dogs first thought be a pure saluki lol deads dead though boxed or tail chased end result the same


I've taken three on lamp in short shift with one pure dog then gone on for another couple hours lamping on other quarry no problems


they so not the hardest of quarry some are underfed desperate specimens not really able to put a proper fight up when the cards are down and faced with fit healthy we fed n rested dog so they get splattered some fitter bigger m try front dog out when pushed same result but dog might take some stick in process but sti iron em out if they got it and yA use it right they keep goin back its hardwired into them but like evey breed there's plenty individuals that say no from the off or get one bad do and refuse to partake again that however runs across most types of lurchers

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  On 29/11/2014 at 11:24, arcticgun said:

I doubt anyone needing serious fox dogs first thought be a pure saluki lol deads dead though boxed or tail chased end result the same


I've taken three on lamp in short shift with one pure dog then gone on for another couple hours lamping on other quarry no problems


they so not the hardest of quarry some are underfed desperate specimens not really able to put a proper fight up when the cards are down and faced with fit healthy we fed n rested dog so they get splattered some fitter bigger m try front dog out when pushed same result but dog might take some stick in process but sti iron em out if they got it and yA use it right they keep goin back its hardwired into them but like evey breed there's plenty individuals that say no from the off or get one bad do and refuse to partake again that however runs across most types of lurchers

true , in( any) lurcher x some dogs just don't want to feel the fox on there face, you carnt put in what nature left out :yes: , and regards running foxes more so in the lamp, a fox will try to get through a edge as quick as it can, anybody that's run few will know this :yes: . this boxing in rubbish wont work with a fox, like it will a hare along a hedgerow , you might hold a hare of for a bit, but fox will soon be gone ,if its not caught quick killed . that's why I think that drop of pit in the mix to a saluki gives that wanting to do get in quick, only need the saluki in for stamina+agilty , well that's what I think if you want a saluki x lurcher use bit of bull for this quarry , pre ban days anyway .!

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My pal used my coursing dog to his saluki bull grey line breds and the results are awesome these dogs simply annihilate the Charlie's and other quarry and can do the numbers game easy Steve2507 Tess out same litter there's a touch of quality bull in the mix and IMHO it's nessacery for out n put fox dog has to be right bull blood though

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I have a saluki x bull greyhound. Shes mainly saluki though. Shes a cracking dog, will run on anything. She has taken a while to get going but thats because I didnt have her from a pup and she hadnt had any training. She is strong, but very sensitive and you do have to be careful with the tone of voice. It does have its advantages though as she knows when I mean business! Maturity wise my girl is 3 now and id say she has just matured mentally and really settled down. Absolutely love her to pieces.

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I have a saluki x bull greyhound. Shes mainly saluki though. Shes a cracking dog, will run on anything. She has taken a while to get going but thats because I didnt have her from a pup and she hadnt had any training. She is strong, but very sensitive and you do have to be careful with the tone of voice. It does have its advantages though as she knows when I mean business! Maturity wise my girl is 3 now and id say she has just matured mentally and really settled down. Absolutely love her to pieces.

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  On 29/11/2014 at 11:57, arcticgun said:

My pal used my coursing dog to his saluki bull grey line breds and the results are awesome these dogs simply annihilate the Charlie's and other quarry and can do the numbers game easy Steve2507 Tess out same litter there's a touch of quality bull in the mix and IMHO it's nessacery for out n put fox dog has to be right bull blood though


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if one of my pures pulled back on anything it wouldn't be in my kennel next day guaranteed I have a young bitch she is a s nervous as f**k and basically I rescued her from a numpty but she will run on Charlie at every opportunity if she cant survive in my pack she would be pts also where pures are concerned I don't take prisoners and never will.

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Bird no one mentioned boxing Charlie its used on hares and rabbits a clever dog changes its style on all kinds of game I ve got dogs that will fly in and the same dogs on a fit hare or deer will lay off and run them into the ground these instincts are bred into salukis for thousands of years . A good saluki puts more into x,s than wind and sensitivity lol

Edited by desertbred
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