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Best Catty Shooting Memory

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My most memorable shot was when I was coarse fishing. Things were really slow, and like most boys, if you aint catching, your shooting rocks with a maggot catapult.

I seen a fat squirrel going along the trees behind me, about 25ft. and in a mad rush I started to look for a suitable stone... Any one who fishes and shoots a catapult will already know, lake banks seem to be bare of stone, its like previous generations have shot or already thrown them into the lake.

Any way, I prised a stone out of the hard earth which looked suitable but turned out to be the size of a tomato- no time to look for another.

I loaded the boulder, and instinctively knowing where to aim, 4mm tubes straining, I let it fly.

The rock moved so slow, seemed to go upward more than forward in a big arc, almost slowing to a stop at its apex, when it came crashing down through the trees and smashed the squirrel off its branch, dead as a door nail. I`ll never forget it, slo mo, just doesnt seem slow enough..

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Nice one mate I haven't said mine yet. Just realised. I've had loads with the catty but my best has got to be the rabbit I hit on the run when we was ferreting. Rabbits were hole hopping all the time. So pulled the catty out and dropped a rabbit as it bolted with 12mm steel. Just saw it roll over kicking. I was ecstatic

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

There's 2 I remember the first one me and my lurcher followed a squirrel down a row of pine trees and finally got him with a head shot and as it dropped the dog caught it before it hit the ground

The second one ,i had been out for about an hour and hadn't seen anything till I was heading home , then I see a pigeon land in the long grass ,so I tried to stalk my way up to it and As I got to about 30 yards away I spooked it and it took off ,so didn't really aim just took a shot at it as it flew off and hit it right in the chest 6feet off the ground , I couldn't believe it and I don't think iv hit anything since!

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