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Collie Greyhound

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Sound like they would be canny pups those Border Lad ? .. Be nice to see a litter on the ground bred by yourself,you've walked the walk for longer than most of us have been alive..go for it mate.

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Love em or loathe em..nothing stirs a debate when the words collie & lurcher are talked of in the same sentence..some owners me included just seem to gel with a cur x where others would rather tea

I have to be honest here the collie x was my first Lurcher, back in 1958 I was 14 years old still at school, I wrote about this before, Now this is the crunch, I learned with that dog by listening t

i've run cur dogs for best part of 30 years now, and it has to be said that the owner does make an enormous difference to the dog. yes failures do occur, but have you ever wondered why most profession

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ye fuji only half greyhound other collie grew line bred by d slieght katie and m chapmans bob,,she was fit in that pic and brushed out , in winter she was more collieish but not to much as they still have to cacth winter hares on open land


im not mad into running dogs double ,trebled ,and i dont like colleis that stalk ,or start rating there game to young, like commited dogs with pace fitness stamina , and good fetching ability , when i see alot of dogs on here alot look like there not got that hardiness to course several in the day ,look awful colie looking the opposite of what im looking for at times ,,


good to see some good home bred collie lurchers still about

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Katie & Bob? Never heard of them Matty? D Sleight isn't he just a puppy peddlar like Hancock? Never heard of that Chapman fella either? Like I said your dogs suit you mate and that's all that matters..other lads dogs obviously suit them so all's good..mine keep me happy enough too,in fact my cur is up your way today on the final vermin drive of the season before the Pheasants start,I've just sent him up for the weekend with the Gamekeeper,the dogs known as "one eye" up there..maybe one day you will hear of it up that way lol..enjoy your day fella,may catch up with you over the summer at a show somewhere for the banter ?

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these days using collie greyhounds as the basis for a dog to catch hares is a waste. There are far better dogs out there for that task that would still perform admirbly compared to the collie based "coursing dogs". If you are going to breed collie x's, breed a type that makes the most of the collie strengths, not one that has collie in it, but performs like something else. Otherwise its a wasted exercise

Edited by trenchfoot
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these days using collie greyhounds as the basis for a dog to catch hares is a waste. There are far better dogs out there for that task that would still perform admirbly compared to the collie based "coursing dogs". If you are going to breed collie x's, breed a type that makes the most of the collie strengths, not one that has collie in it, but performs like something else. Otherwise its a wasted exercise

Hallelujah that man ???

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This were me and a 3/4 Grey x 1/4 Collie called Nipper back in 1986/87 ..this was a cracking dog,took the lot he did..I did get a pup bred out of him which I caught my biggest ever tally with..unfortunately he got killed out working with the terriers one day by a critter..



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I must add that the collie x grey with coursing grey blood in the mix they were hard to beat, they were bred in the late 50s and 60s in those days dogs were kept to do there job, IE, the hill collie that worked the hills, Long legged, stood 24/25" could run, stamina, biddable, and would face up to anything take the coursing greyhound around 26/27" speed, stamina, (((( the gentry had been breeding that dog for over 150 years, competition, was immense, when you bred from those two types you had some thing decent, 2or3 out that type in a litter was good for Hares, Bambi, rabbits, the rest of the litter were only rabbit dogs but very good ones, I never heard or experienced, the faults about the collie cross, as you do on the THL Probably, they bred of a pet collie couldn't work all it was good for was chasing cars, and barking next they went for a greyhound, off a local flapping track or even worse, A dog that never raced, then they expect the litter of pups to be world beaters, I am TALKING FROM EXPERIENCE, not from reading books written by a dreamer, Hoping that his dreams can come true, ONe of those types of hill collies would do a fox run all night for you, ASK Fuji, why he owns a 3/4 collie, one eye and can still do his job, I owned a bitch collie /whippet/ greyhound stood only 23" she took plenty of Hares, that was her job, Hunt from the road, kill her quarry, and carry back up to the van, Yes and proper wee guard dog as well no body would come into yard at night when she was about,

Very interesting to read that BL, I would love to see a collie cross like that working and belonging to someone that actually gets out and gives the dog the chance to reach it's full potential . I sometimes wonder what the few collie bred lurchers that I saw in the past could have turned out like if they had been in the hands of someone other than the drug dependent alcoholics that they were stuck with

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FUJI altho ypu minshaws are heavy collie saturated they not just collie and grey i think this makes a huge difference to straight 5/8 collie greys or heavey collie sat col/greys That infusion of beddie/bull/deerhound/saluki goes a hell of a long way. It would be intresting if don was just 5/8 collie 3/8 grey i wonder if you would of had just as capable dog ???? As by acounts don doesnt really have any limits. Apart from one eye now ;)

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Not sure to be honest Paul,I couldn't answer that truthfully either way? He has his flaws Paul and I'm not under any illusions about that..to many he wouldn't be worth feeding but he suits what i,my lads and the Estates he works on do..that's all that concerns me,he's a pleasure to take out,you never have to tell him to do anything,he just knows what we expect of him,be it digging, ferreting,lamping,hunting,beating or whatever..I like that in a dog..I've had dogs bred from the same bloodlines and although I just lamped them as that was my "thing" then, they too were uncomplicated,they worked hard with no issues,fed them,exercised them and they were happy,they knew the score and thrived on graft as Don does..I like Collie x's..they are far more intelligent than me and learn how to work situations out for themselves,they just seem to know and are usually always in the right place at the right time..they are very focused on their work..I will always kennel a cur x ..they have served me well for many years and hopefully will continue to ?


Patch a cur x ..a great lamp dog,I caught a lot of gear with this dog twenty odd years ago ?



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When I bred this dog,..I honestly thought ,.'this is the one, to move forwards with'....and hopefully start to produce,.. my own prefered type of work dog..... :yes:


Foolishly, I left it too long,... he was the last of my line,...and when he died,..it was too late to start again....


That is why,..if you have something that you believe in,...don't trust in fate,...don't wait.....


Jake,..a real canny Jukel.... :victory:



Edited by Phil Lloyd
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