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Your more than welcome....Print it out...if you get a visit...make them wait while you read it... and follow the instructions to the letter...there's no point winding yourself up with these people...they will use your state of mind to there advantage. :yes:

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Thats the whole point of the policeman style uniforms to scare you.You need to view them in the same catagory as oxfam or such charities thats all.Never let them on your property even with a search warrant only let them on named on it,don t talk to them and refuse to talk to a police man in the presence of them,and never trust a solicitor who advocates any of the above.

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The RSPCA knocked on my friends door the other day (she has 4 Dobermanns) HE said "Oh we had a report that you had gone on holiday and abandoned the dogs" my friend said "Well I havent" and shut the door!! He just walked off!! :D

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I had a visit from them once, many moons ago, because of the "undernourished lurcher" in my garden. I invited him in to show him the collie half cross (and of course they're always skinny aren't they :whistling: ) and informed him that as it was only a pup, and therefore a bit chunky at present, it would if anything get slimmer as it got older. He not only apologised for wasting my time but was actually so pissed off at having his time wasted that he told me which of my neighbours had reported me. :victory:

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