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Strange One


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Out early this Morningstar first light for a local wander before work with the dogs. Quiet one at the local woods for an hour on my way back to the car the dogs flush a fox, which isn't unusual at this spot, I don't have a running dog so he usually slips the dogs after some mayhem and they return tongues hanging out after a short while. However after A few mins of yapping one dog returns as usual after a few whistles. But no sign of pup I call a few times all is quiet and I decide to head back up the main path towards the last yaps I heard. After a few more mins the pup pops out about 100 yards further on I call her but she doesn't respond just stood rigid facing the other way, her recall is decent without being fully nailed as she is 8 month and keen as. I am at this point getting a bit peed off at this point as to why she is ignoring me and is still stood rigid in the same spot. I notice at this point a brown thing in the middle of the path, at first I just thought it was a log or something but as I got closer it look less log more animal. I got to about 40 yards away and it finally made a move and was a black/ brown fox not caked up in mud or anything genuine black fur Strangely it had stood within 5 yards off the pup just watching each other like they were in a trance or sometihing, as some as it saw me and moved so did the pup in hot pursuit. Never seen anything like this before just wondered if anyone else had a similar experience just thought I would share atb

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