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Longnets And Lunatics

neil b

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After being asked to have a look at reducing the rabbit population on a local stable yard we had a look mid week with the lamp, we saw about a dozen, then yesterday at first light I had a walk with the lurchers, there were a good number of rabbits bouncing all over the hedge so this morning saw us armed with 400yards of quick set longnets half a dozen stop nets, a bag of small purse nets and a couple of boxes of ferrets. We started off running the nets full length down both sides of the hedge, 708304FE-5D10-4487-A71E-1104834ECCB0_zps then strategically placed some stop nets through the hedge in various places C2349E29-0638-4D27-AD68-B0283CF02279_zps with purse nets on we started off with two ferrets in the top two in the middle and two taking up the rear, we soon got into double figures, ending this section of hedge with 15. Stop nets and purse nets moved down and ferrets back in, our pile just kept growing F98ECBFE-9B63-4EA9-9C15-DB443DAA6490_zps and growing 259A9A3C-2C1B-4FAF-84A2-14B2F48F510F_zps and growing 86C579E9-2ADC-432B-86BE-46176DCD2AB2_zps we finished off just after dinner with 36 and not a single dig DC5F7AA4-C4D1-416F-BD32-F88F65528B97_zps. Happy hunting cheers Neil b

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