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DB I Agree On What You Say But 1 Thing I Can't Grasp Is Why Do Some From Here Travel There & Are Beheading People , They've Grown Up In This Country Not That Environment Where Stoning , Beheading Is Part Off Everyday Life So Why Would They Go There To Do That ?? Lots Off Youths Of Non Muslim Faith Are Pissed Off But They Don't Resort To Taking Part In Beheadings Something Alien To There Upbringing !!

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Lets talk of the youths who were from Asian descent some are third and fourth generation British born most English is there first language , I know hundreds whos parents have never been to Asia let al

This is not jihad it is terrorism by Isis and its supporters this is why Muslims are fighting against them, if it was jihad then no Muslim would fight against a true jihad.These groups are being fund

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2845668/SAS-quad-bike-squads-kill-8-jihadis-day-allies-prepare-wipe-map-Daring-raids-UK-Special-Forces-leave-200-enemy-dead-just-four-weeks.html   TC

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Lets talk of the youths who were from Asian descent some are third and fourth generation British born most English is there first language , I know hundreds whos parents have never been to Asia let alone the children. They are educated here and most of them achieve a high educational standard CSE,s A levels University degrees, if the families are not wealthy or business owners they are invariably trapped in a community whom the majority don't want to integrate. They become isolated and estranged from their own families and more often than not are pressurised into marrying partners from the sub continent both boys and girls they get sent to the mosques as children to learn Arabic or even just the Qran in Arabic which is something they don't understand. The Teachers in the Mosques are mainly either from Pakistan India Bangladesh or Saudia Arabia lots of these teachers or Mullahs have been indoctrinated and radicalised themselves as children and they entice the isolated youngsters into the Web of radicalisation. People male or female , educated or illiterate, who have noneof the roots or anchors of good parents or discipline are easy prey for those who want to manipulate and control impressionable minds. How many people hang around no college no job etc then smoke a bit of dope, drink cider etc then graduate onto crack herion etc and one addiction takes hold they would sell their own kidney s. Its the same with young muslims they are looking for an identity and they are told even by their own relatives and the community you will never be accepted here as British because you are brown or black you are a Muslim so they then turn inward and look for some thing that they are told or promised will enhance your status and you will be in control of your own destiny so this radicalisation can also attract non Muslims like a catalyst for people who want to become a gang member for want of a better name this then supplies the recruits for ISIS etc this beheading is a punishment in islam and the jihad jonnie and his masters know that most civilised people find this a barbaric death so they use this for its shock vakue and to terrorise people. Any of the young who went to join isis will not be allowed to leave if they do many of them will themselves be killed so as to act as a deterrent to others, Some of these now wanting to return to the UK may well have been radicalised and wanting to return for terrorist acts some genuinely may have seen the barbarism osf ISIS and woken up but how does any one know. I don't have the answers but I know some of the causes. Iran is fighting against ISIS people say why don't Iranian Government provide arms and funds to the people fighting ISIS Iran has had impunative sanctions imposed on it for the last 10 years openly and in truth sine 1979 and the Iranian revolution so how can it do more than it is doing. Ask Cameron and Co why they support Saudia who supply most of the radical literature and teachers in the UK. All these terrorist groups are products of the salafi and wahabi brand of islam fro Saudia,

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DB The World Is 1 Fukced Up Place Right Now . . When / How Will This End As From Where I'm Looking I Cant See An End Too It . . Some Might Not Like This But The Lack Of Trust & Hatred From Muslims Towards Others & Them Towards Muslims Is Now Ingrained Sadly !!

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yes the world is f****d up, yes the hatred from both sides is entrenched but a solution has to be out their otherwise what is there for future generations,? Multi culturism is a failure integration isn't going to work in its present form for it to work it has to be the will of the majorityon all sides compromise and tolerance is the best that can be hoped for , but all the f**k off back to your own country and all the rhetoric will achieve didly sqat. Same all the send in SAS SBC etc is short term fixes, been there done that and it doesn't solve underlying divisions. Most of the shite I see is politicians playing god

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Was watching something on YouTube the other day not to do with religion but life of a billionaire Saudi prince. Made me laugh how Saudi is so strict and carries out what we seem extreme punishments. This prince bloke although he prayed had lovely looking wife's and they wasnt wearing no burka. Seems although islam doesn't believe in democracy and allow mps their is still corruption and the rich pissing on the poor.

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DB I Feel Those In Power Will Not Do The Right Thing As they Don't Live In Our World (The Real One) So Don't See / Feel The Distrust / Hatred That Is Out There . . What I Find Will Be Hard To Change Is The Views / Beliefs Of Someone Who's Prepared To Die For A Belief , That Will Have To Come From There Own Community Is That Possible ?? Me As A Non Muslim Belief The Fear / Distrust Has Been Created By Extremists Who Preach There Hatred towards Any Non Muslim ! Don't Think I'm Anti Muslim Thats Not The Case I Have No Religious Beliefs For Or Against , I Despise Tony Blair The Same Way I Despise The Killers Off Lee Rigby , Those Preaching Hate , Burning Poppies Flags Ect . I Feel Those In The Muslim Community Hold The Key To Change Against The Minority Creating This If Thats Possible !!

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This is where the problem lies Abu Hamza was prayer leader at Finsbury Park Mosque basicaly he was a radical scum bag who radicalised a lot of youths including possibly the two murdering converts who murdered Lee Rigby, Abu Hamza was removed from his post by the elders and committee of the Mosque .Abu Hamza and his band of followers began offering prayers in the Road outside and the government and the police sanctioned and supported this why ? Amjid Chaudhry another example of a radical preacher how many years did he get public funds and benefits before the Government took action ? These are just two of the many thayt are in public knowledge now multiply that by radical preachers that do it behind closed doors these have all been given visas by the Government. No doubt a lot of Muslims keep quiet and cover up for these provocateurs but the community are also under the same laws as everyone else , there are instances where community leaders have removed radical people from mosques only to have them reinstated by the courts. The laws of human rights are abused and manipulated to give cover to people it should not. Much is said about racism this is a reality and its not hard to judge who have racist leanings. The point is racists are wrong just as these radical people are wrong but the racist attitudes gives more leverage to the radicals to brain wash the younger generations, Racism is a two way street and certainly any one says to me " I am not racist But" I know they are racist why would you need to justify something you claim not to be. I am a Muslim I don't need to justify it to any one, Am I racist "yes I think I am" not on colour but a certain group of people that Historically Islam has conflict with and No its not Christians.

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Rag u Muppet why would I sign that ? I don't find Halal cruel , I don't think anti Gay laws are a bad thing and I don't see how I am trying to change anything Now ask me to sign an e petition banning political parties yes I would., Sk me to sign for a more stringent immigration policy yes I would ask me to talk against my own Faith you really are a muppet, many things I don't like or agree with that some with Islamic names do/ My Faith is my own mine and any one is free to practice their faith and just as I they should accept any consequences.

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The marrying of kids is actually marriage after puberty so not quite as it is phrased. Personally I think that Islam is a progressive religion the basic principle is sub mission to Allah and the interpretation of the Law and Sunnat should fit the time . Now in the time of Adam and through out history marriage at a young age has been accepted and permitted even in the developed world. Personally from my view point I don't think in this day and age it is required or acceptable times have changed life expectancy has multiplied several fold . I really believe that a Fatwa should be issued this is a judgement based on islamic teachings and shariat that a marriage should not be permitted under the age of 16 I would personally say 18 years of age. Islam already forbids a girl or boy from being forced into marriage some say a girls silence on the matter is consent I and my teachers don't agree with some others on this point. The Qran tells that nothing is compulsory in islam so these forced conversions to islam by isis .Taliban etc are haram not permitted. The Qran also tells to observe the law of the land in which you reside as long as that law does not conflict with the Law of Allah I live in the UK and the law says no marriage under 16 years of age those that send their kids out of the country and force them to marry are not acting in conformity with Islamic jurisprudence, It is a complicated trying to balance culture , tradition and religion I personally accept islam over and above customs and traditions. Islam forbids cruelty, it forbids tyranny it forbids war on women children the old the sick and Those who don't take up arms against you. Islamic taxes are imposed on non muslims these are to provide services much the same as council tax or income tax. The behaviour of some Muslims is not Islamic the murderers of Lee Rigby they tried to justify their actions from islam they can not the Taliban and issis cannot the Boka haram kidnapping and raping claim they are following Islamic teachings if they are the Qran says that if a Muslim kills one Muslim then it is as if the whole of mankind has been killed. In islam a Muslim is allowed to defend themselves and family and islam . It is often said islam is not a nation yet we are collectively held responsible for all Muslim activity are Christians held responsible for actions of Christians around the world? T go back to your original question Child marriage was practiced in the past but now I say there is no justification alcohol was permitted in islam in the beginning then because of its abuse it was banned and made haram yet it can be used for medicinal purposes this is islam embracing technology and change, Sorry for the protracted answer hope you follow it.

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