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I'm Just Plain Crap.

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So I got a catty been practicing and just can't get a consistent approach to shooting.


I just can't 'repeat' what I do shot for shot.


Any tips 'marksmanship principles' if you will


I love the idea of taking it with me whilst out bimbling around.... Particularly where discretion and noise are an issue.... To avoid upsetting people's peace and quiet obviously.

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Always pull to the same "anchor point" be it your eye, ear cheek etc, then find a point on your catty to use as an aiming marker, whether it be the left fork,right fork, centre of forks etc, once you find your anchor point and aiming marker, then don't change it! Just keep pulling to these points every shot and after a while your brain will just do it all automatically.

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Keep going. I was similar to you; I was either missing everything by miles or hitting the forks. When I started doing what Longers7 has suggested I finally started getting some consistency.


Try watching some video clips too as it sometimes makes more sense when you see somebody else doing it.

Edited by Neal
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I've only had two kills with my catty I've been practicing since February n I find it easier to aim center forks but sometimes I've noticed that I don't need to pull all way back find something small to practice with n don't give up!!

Edited by ruggers13
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