WILF 47,963 Posted November 26, 2014 Report Share Posted November 26, 2014 As an aside, I heard a US senator say an interesting thing on radio 4 this morning.......by 2030 the white male American will be in the minority . Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gnasher16 30,531 Posted November 26, 2014 Report Share Posted November 26, 2014 I'm not saying I'm right, f**k me I have been wrong enough in my time, but the fact is I have come to the conclusion that it's up here for thinking and down there for dancing now days. You can't win with these f***ing governments, they won't let you mate. So then you got to do the other thing, and my other thing is to f**k off right out the way to a place where people still treat each other normal and I can bring my kids up normal. All paid up, off the wheel and no c**t is coming to see me.......jobs a good un Maybe I have mellowed, but my kids will be brought up English in a mainly white environment, church school, none of this shite.......and hey presto, there's 4 white English kids that they didn't manage to pollute with their propaganda who will live when I am gone and hopefully do the same with their kids. JMHO You seem like a good lad Wilf and i would never intentionally offend you but it sounds to me like you,ve played a game that it now looks like your losing so you have changed the rules to suit you still winning. Im in a similar position at the moment re moving away,admittedly i dont have youngsters to weigh up....... i love where im from and nobody likes admitting defeat,but thats what it would be. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Truther 1,579 Posted November 26, 2014 Report Share Posted November 26, 2014 will you repatriate as far back as Romans Vikings and Saxons they tried building a wall to keep the red headed scots out but didn't work.neither. and what about the problems going back over 500 years reaked on the people of the British empire or should they be forgotten about ? so you can pull up the draw bridge what about the "Foreigners " who gave their lives during world wars that they didn't start ? What's the answer then DB? Im for repatriation, but with help from the west to sort islamic countries out, or non islamic countries, but the price would have to be a guarantee of population reduction, nothing to drastic, just a realistic population the land and economy could support. Alternative is probably a blood bath eventually, not good for anybody? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 47,963 Posted November 26, 2014 Report Share Posted November 26, 2014 (edited) Gnasher I'm not that precious mate, not offended at all. Maybe your right, I look at it more like I'm taking my ball and not f***ing playing any more......but it probably amounts to the same thing. Whatever it is, what I know is that blokes like me and you are old hat now mate..........when every bit of information your senses can pick up is saying the complete opposite to what you belive then what chance have you got? Why keep driving yourself mad?.......life's too f***ing short and half the people you think your fighting for ain't worth it anyway. Edited November 26, 2014 by WILF Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,825 Posted November 26, 2014 Report Share Posted November 26, 2014 The main problem I see with repatriation is where the f**k are we going to stick 20M ozzies and at least 100M North Americans of Anglo saxon descent? LOL LOL 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
desertbred 5,490 Posted November 26, 2014 Report Share Posted November 26, 2014 (edited) I don't know what the solution is drastically reduced immigration would be a start, "Citizen Khan his neighbour asked him how his holiday was in Pakistan he replied much the same as Birmingham but with less Pakistanis that's about right I think the country is bursting at the seams its an island not a continent, Edited November 26, 2014 by desertbred 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Truther 1,579 Posted November 26, 2014 Report Share Posted November 26, 2014 I don't know the real answer myself, i do know if wars worked it would have happened by now. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ragumup Posted November 27, 2014 Report Share Posted November 27, 2014 Iv got the answer vote ukip.... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
tandors 888 Posted November 27, 2014 Report Share Posted November 27, 2014 well israel is deported all its african immigrants lol no one is getting hysterical about that i don't see the big issue if most people come here for economic reasons simply take them away, restrict citizenship and make this country an economically uninviting one, plus the so called anti racists who are for immigration to the west results in a brain drain in africa for example where their cleverest and most qualified people leave at the first opportunity which has a detrimental effect on africa and makes them rely on aid and welfare even more. 4 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
skycat 6,174 Posted November 27, 2014 Report Share Posted November 27, 2014 Good point tandors, but the fact is that the vast majority of immigrants into the UK are not the super talented or qualified, but those who wouldn't have cat in hell's chance of surviving well in their own countries due to lack of education, skills etc. Those are the ones taking jobs from British born workers. My OH worked on the land for many years in Lincolnshire. Hard graft, but he could earn good money as it was piece work. Now it is minimum wage and all the workers are immigrants. In a couple of local factories here ALL the employees are foreign 'imports', and even they are self segregating: we have a very nice Portugese lad as a lodger at the moment. For some strange reason he actually loves the English and the whole thing about living over here. When he went for a job at the local Hotel Chocolat factory the African workers there were amazed that he would even want to work there as the place is considered to be the worst of the worst. 99% of the workers in another factory are Polish, which is where he works now. Not a British born person in sight. One thing all these factory workers have is a good work ethic: they really work bloody hard ... then I pass the job centre in town and there's a queue of white English drop outs, queuing up to sign on: just looking at them no one in their right minds would give them a job. If that sounds racist then tough. Fact is a country relies on the lowest of the low for its main workforce: those with no skills or education who will do the sh*t jobs and shut up. If immigrants work harder and better than the indigenous people then I can't see many businesses voting to restrict immigration, and it is business that runs a country. Truth is our own people have had it too soft, too good for too long. 99.9% of us don't really know what it is like to truly be needy: in need of food and clothes and a roof over our heads. I don't know what the answer is apart from to reinstate a pride in being one of the workers; the class that provides the backbone of the country. But how do you do that when many of the potential workers want the same standard of living as those at the top; the few that are splashed all over the papers and internet throwing their wealth about, living the dream. They see them as getting something for nothing: footballers with over-inflated wages, pop stars and the whole celebrity culture. So now it's fake tans, bling, silly dreams, fast cars and no belief in country, community or family. It would take a national or global catastrophe to change that mind set and there'd be a good bit of 'gene pool' cleaning before the survivors realised what it would take to survive on less than most take for granted as their right. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
skycat 6,174 Posted November 27, 2014 Report Share Posted November 27, 2014 Just seen this: how it used to be: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2850464/Now-attitude-101-year-old-lived-Great-Depression-gives-rousing-90-minute-speech-unemployed-people-telling-work.html 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Truther 1,579 Posted November 27, 2014 Report Share Posted November 27, 2014 well israel is deported all its african immigrants lol no one is getting hysterical about that i don't see the big issue if most people come here for economic reasons simply take them away, restrict citizenship and make this country an economically uninviting one, plus the so called anti racists who are for immigration to the west results in a brain drain in africa for example where their cleverest and most qualified people leave at the first opportunity which has a detrimental effect on africa and makes them rely on aid and welfare even more. Funny how the engineers of Europe's mass immigration con want to keep their people as pure as possible Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Onlyworkmatters 1,584 Posted November 27, 2014 Report Share Posted November 27, 2014 Stop all immigation to the uk, have a proper year long no holds barred debate, no lieing or cherry picking of statistics, then take it from there, boot out the criminals and terrorists, anyone who misbehaves boot them out, born here, send them to the country of their parents or even grandparents, tell that country if they dont take them we'll stop sending them aid, that'll do to start, then we can get down to the serious stuff Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Brigzy 1,298 Posted November 27, 2014 Report Share Posted November 27, 2014 Stop all immigation to the uk, have a proper year long no holds barred debate, no lieing or cherry picking of statistics, then take it from there, boot out the criminals and terrorists, anyone who misbehaves boot them out, born here, send them to the country of their parents or even grandparents, tell that country if they dont take them we'll stop sending them aid, that'll do to start, then we can get down to the serious stuff What about the doctors, nurses, engineers, scientist , etc, that we need from abroad. Your plan is to simplistic mate. We, at present make it difficult for these people to come in from the likes of Australia, Canada, US, India, Japan. Yet we have absolutely NO control over beggars, thiefs, and the dregs of Eastern Europe coming in, because of our membership of the EU. That's what needs to change, we need CONTROLLED immigration, not a complete ban. 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,825 Posted November 27, 2014 Report Share Posted November 27, 2014 ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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