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Some Porn For Darcy

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Im out in the middle of the rain forrest in Papua New Guinea ...2 hour plane ride and 5 minute chopper trip is the only way in and out no roads ....ive never seen so much butterflies and moths thousands of them everywhere heres a few for you ..


this one was about 8-9" across


Edited by MIK
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Them c**ts eat f***ing bats out there!!!, I can see you now cutting about absolutely hammered with the chops full of bat and chips ya fat c**t.


The country will be totally devoid of Teachers and bats when you finally f**k off ! :p

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Them c**ts eat f***ing bats out there!!!, I can see you now cutting about absolutely hammered with the chops full of bat and chips ya fat c**t.


The country will be totally devoid of Teachers and bats when you finally f**k off ! :p

FUKIN BATS THEY EAT HUMANS ....and theres stiil tribes of head hunters out here ....jeezo if they seen my nogin theyd be thinking thats a fukin gold medal :tongue2:

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Had the kids over in ireland to thee wee farm on Monday mate, there's some fishing round there pal.......soon as wee are over and sorted you, Lynne and Dylan will have to come and stay mate.

It's f***ing belting ;)

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If you can find a week and start off Shinoukville the Old Hippy trail

Happy :) Pizzas :) Cambodia

Night or two there

Then bus 6 hrs north at 6-7 dollars to

Phnom Penn

Stay on the Riverside and visit S21 and the Killing fields maybe 2-3 days here

Few Whiskys :)

Then another 6 hrs on bus North at 6-7 dollars to

Siem Reap and take a day trip via Tuk Tuk around Angkor Wat

Absolutely breathtaking

Especially if you arrive just before dawn.

Marvelous part of the World is SE Asia.

Max; PNG is 3250 miles from Cambodia ....... :icon_eek:


Mik; that moth in the top pic looks like an Atlas moth, they're the biggest in the world, I've got a framed one about 10" across.

Edited by Brigzy
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  • 3 weeks later...


Still out in the rain forrest of PNG not done a stitch of graft in 3 weeks ...this place is vast and the jungle is near unpenetrable not realy seen much wildlife there are plenty of birds and thee rivers are full of fish but no mammals ....Butterflys and moths are every where and at night when the lights are on it is quite a site .


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