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In The Garden

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Taking the dog out for a walk this morning as I do every morning before work.open the door and the dog is out just infront of me then in a split second he was off like a shot right right across the road and round the street.there was a bloody rabbit sitting in my front garden!!!!! He was in a neighbours garden trying to get under a gate where the rabbit obv ran.couldnt believe it.ive seen them up at the sports field and a little close to the houses but never in the garden.looks like the dog will need to be on the lead in the morning now or an accident will happen.


This is a pic in another neighbours garden about 40mins later when I came back

You can make out the first rabbit then another one just behind it infront of the car,you can see its eye(not a good pic) wee shites are taking the piss out me!!


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It's nice having them in the garden,,,,you would be surprised at yourself for not hunting them ,,I was fortunate to have a little warren at the top of mine bordering the horse field,,,,one summer morning i counted 13,,4 adults the rest young,,,it's great to watch them ,,,,I would often stand at the kitchen window,,looking through the air gun scope ,,just watching them

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