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A Great Deal On Genuine Mk4 & 6 Fenns .......

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Depending on numbers I can get a real good price on genuine fenns ... if anybody is interested put down your required numbers on here and at the end of the week I will let you know what price I can get them for ... Obviously the more that's bought the cheaper you will get them ......

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If you take reasonable care of them they can last a while, so most people will only need a top up, and very probably already have their own good source (that isn't always the cheapest for a variety of reasons)! Then there is logistics/shipping, where are you?


Perhaps you need a few people new to the business stocking up for the first time.


Good luck, good offer! :thumbs:


What about mole tunnel traps, mine are getting a bit ragged, perhaps another 10-12 would be useful.

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I'm in Wiltshire mate can only get hold of fenns at the moment ... It's no drama to me as I am buying in 100 mk6's and as they were offering a good discount I thought it would be beneficial to some lads on here if they wanted to jump on the bargain ........

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Fenn's are plenty strong enough for any legal quarry, so anything stronger ain't that beneficial IMO! Now if the Solway was cheaper, or lasted longer, then that would make a difference!


I have both Fenn and Solway, and don't see a lot of difference between the two! Saying that, I haven't studied them much, just know they both do the job!

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I presume they've improved the Solway? When they first came out they were slated on here for the quality issues they had....


Personally, I prefer a trap made here in the UK over a product produced in a sweat shop in the far east.

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Fenn's are plenty strong enough for any legal quarry, so anything stronger ain't that beneficial IMO! Now if the Solway was cheaper, or lasted longer, then that would make a difference!


I have both Fenn and Solway, and don't see a lot of difference between the two! Saying that, I haven't studied them much, just know they both do the job!

I disagree Eddie, but it's each to their own. When you do two hour checks then the truth comes out. Last season i did a little experiment with the Mk4's. I checked about every two hours and the amount of live catches was staggering. These were perfect catches as i had used guide sticks and with a perfect snug roof to the cubby. No doubt if I'd have checked the traps once a day as is required by law the squirrels would have been dead, but it's the fact that they would have taken long to die. That's just my opinion though....good hunting....JD


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Darcy, did you perform the same experiment with the Solway? Or are you just taking the fairly logical assumption that a more powerful trap will reduce what you found? I'd certainly agree with you re mk4s and squirrels.


Also, I don't believe it is written in law to check spring traps every 24hrs, unless trapping rabbits.... ???

Edited by Born Hunter
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Also, I don't believe it is written in law to check spring traps every 24hrs, unless trapping rabbits.... ???

You are correct.


However, if an animal was to be found suffering, you could have to explain to a magistrate why you thought it wouldn't cause 'unnecessary suffering' in the event of a foul catch.


Personally, I think it's good practice to check kill traps every day, although it's not a legal requirement unless they have been set for rabbits or hares.

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Darcy, did you perform the same experiment with the Solway? Or are you just taking the fairly logical assumption that a more powerful trap will reduce what you found? I'd certainly agree with you re mk4s and squirrels.


Also, I don't believe it is written in law to check spring traps every 24hrs, unless trapping rabbits.... ???

I didn't do that experiment mate. but i would assume I would have had the same results....I think the MK4 is underpowered, whatever type. Today I only really use the MK6 unless i specifically have to use a smaller trap. It's only my opinion though.... :thumbs:

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