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Which Springer To Buy?

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Hi guys. I'm not the first and I'm sure I won't be the last, but I'm not too far off buying a nice new .22 springer.


Only problem is I am spending far too much time going round and round over which rifle to get. Ive narrowed down to HW97KT, Tx200, TX200HC and the Walther LGU.


I will be looking eventually to go out shooting rabbit and pigeon.


Help me out guys. If you had to choose from one of those guns, which would you get. Which rifle performs best straight out the box ?


Thanks for your help guys. Look forward to your responses. Need to choose soon or I might go mad!


Thanks for your help



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Bloody french and british humor. Doesn't mix, clearly.

His birds little sister could be 25, just a turn of phrase for f**ks sake.

Hi you need to try before you buy,to make sure the rifle fits. 3 good spring rifles.   do not overlook the LGU for the money cracking rifle out of the box!     The LGU is well underated, it wi

to tell the truth mate you need to handle them to find out which suits you best , personally i can't shoot a tx200 at all i just don't jell with them I've never shot a LGU they look great and all the reviews rave about them , out of the box you can't beat the tx200s but its a personal thing , the LGU is great and by the sound of it is perfect out of the box the 97 is good but a little bit of know how can make them amazing . the last 2 years i have been looking for another under leaver and last month i was bought a hw97kt in .177 and can't be happier , i like to open my guns up and service them ,


your best bet is to shoulder then or if your part of a club ask for a shot



Edited by webster
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No offence my man, but there are plenty of posts like this on the hunting life, have a butchers at them. At the end of the day, pick um up, shoot them if you can, at the end of the day any of those mentioned will out shoot the shooter all day long, you just have to adapt to the way they like to be held.


Hw97 as a last word :D

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I have a tx 200 and a 97k I like the 97k more but if I had no gun ether gun would be fine .If a tx 200 was on sale second hand in good condition and close to me that may make my decision on which gun to get .As stated you would have to hold and shoot the gun if you want to be that fussy both guns are fine .....for example I like the long reach of the 97k trigger some people get a custom trigger that is set back to fit on there 97k a waste of time for me .If you are just shooting lots of pellets the tx bear trap is a bit of a pain but the fact that the tx 200 can be decocked and its bear trap is a real bear trap is a plus unlike the 97k bear trap that is just a trigger lock and the gun has to be shot once loaded .there are lots of differences like this I have noticed a lot people get both guns that my be the only way to solve your problem .

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  On 18/11/2014 at 22:36, shergar said:

as you want the gun for hunting what about a break barrel , quicker and easier to load than a under lever, the hw98 is a supremely accurate rifle.


just a thought

I would have to agree hear, tad heavy perhaps, so go for a 95 or as mentioned a 99, with a flake.


The 98 is devastatingly accurate. Like beyond belief, it's takes a while to flirt with it to get it moist, but jesus, it puts in groups tighter than my birds little sister. Yup. That tight. :D

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Best sub-12-ft/lb spring air rifles for hunting there is. No frills, no fussy builds. Just simple, reliable, tough as panzers, gets the job done, superbly accurate with the best trigger yet devised and they will last your lifetime.


You choose the calibre!



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  On 19/11/2014 at 00:06, Rez said:


  On 18/11/2014 at 22:36, shergar said:

as you want the gun for hunting what about a break barrel , quicker and easier to load than a under lever, the hw98 is a supremely accurate rifle.


just a thought

I would have to agree hear, tad heavy perhaps, so go for a 95 or as mentioned a 99, with a flake.


The 98 is devastatingly accurate. Like beyond belief, it's takes a while to flirt with it to get it moist, but jesus, it puts in groups tighter than my birds little sister. Yup. That tight. :D



Paedo... :nono:

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