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Ferrets Die Over 2 Days?

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sadly my three ferrets died over a period of 2 days, they we're previously all healthy jills, two were three years plus (I got them second hand) and the third was a kit of 2 years from one of their litters.

They had no ticks or flees, had not changed anything and they just seemed to lose the ability to walk with wobbly back legs, they had no loose stools and outwardly looked normal.

I've decide to burn my setup before maybe starting again.

Any ideas as to what might have caused their sudden demise?


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If it was the summer and you where feeding meat i would be thinking food poisoning botulism but this time of year distemper or cat flu ? Inoculated cats or dogs got access to the ferrets ?

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When was the last time they had a pigeon? the winter wheat is in and growing and theres a lot of pigeon dead on the roads and others barely able to fly, the wheat seed is dressed prior to sowing and is a pink colour this is mercury based and poisonous to birds and anything else that eats it,we have had dead cats and foxes around the farm

Y.I.S Leeview

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