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Dogs That Have Tried Your Patients Past And Present .

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They only dogs I get pissed off with are my day dog and my mates pup I'm looking after. It's bred for the day but already is a stubborn thing the few kills he's had in the day he just stands looking for the next took him out yesterday evening had a cracking run and a catch but just stood there staring into the distance as usual as I'm walking down the fence line towards him a deer skips out of the spindly hedge I'm going through and takes off across an open field. I'm sure you can guess the rest also this young dog is the worst for crying. I was down visiting a friend for a few runs about a month or so back not sure why I took the pup tbh but we went out all dogs getting a few runs. Then even though he's had a decent few runs start crying no other dogs running just him walking beside me and he's crying like feck skipping about on the lead. I will be glad to see him go next month has he's certainly not my sort of dog.

The rest of my lot I can honestly say are Really well behaved and unless you call them by name you wouldn't know they were about. Even the Mali pup is easy enough he's gotta be woken to be fed must admit I didn't think he'd be the laid back type had him ferreting a couple of hours here and there and he's doing ok.

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