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Pine Martin

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I wouldn’t know about pine martins, but there is an American lad who posts in the ferreting section, and he tames and trains up mink.


‘Minkenrey’ I think he calls it – which I know that sounds like something Jimmy Savile should be charged with - but do go and have a look; it’s very interesting.

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I've never even seen one in the flesh, although there is a suggestion their numbers are on the increase and their population is spreading further around the UK!


They are very protected in the UK, I don't know what pet shop you could get one from and trapping one will be a problem too!



Edited by Deker
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"I don't know what pet shop you could get one from and trapping one will be a problem too!"


Well I don't know about Norfolk and Bedford (you'd need to check with Natural England) but up here in Scotland, where most of the pine martens are, You'd be on a sticcky wicket:


The key part is this bit:


It is an offence to intentionally or recklessly:


possess or control, sell, offer for sale or possess or transport for the purpose of sale any live or dead wild pine marten or any derivative of such an animal.


Of course you can apply to SNH for a licence to keep one as a pet....good luck with that :oD

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"I don't know what pet shop you could get one from and trapping one will be a problem too!"


Well I don't know about Norfolk and Bedford (you'd need to check with Natural England) but up here in Scotland, where most of the pine martens are, You'd be on a sticcky wicket:


The key part is this bit:


It is an offence to intentionally or recklessly:


possess or control, sell, offer for sale or possess or transport for the purpose of sale any live or dead wild pine marten or any derivative of such an animal.


Of course you can apply to SNH for a licence to keep one as a pet....good luck with that :oD


It was meant to be light hearted....


You omitted the first bit..... They are very protected in the UK :thumbs: :thumbs:

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