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Yukon Photon Xt 6.5 X 50

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Perhaps some of this might help mate .........   I carried out an exercise two or three weekends ago during the day to see if the Photon could be swapped between multiple rifles but still maintain z

got mine on my 223 and just need to zero it and then go test it

Worst thing I ever did was sell it to you lol, seriously that little hornet is a belting little rifle, no fox is safe out to 200 yards, glad you are enjoying her

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Looks good on that vid Ian, so can we state with any certainty now the 6.5 has been field tested so to speak, would the 6.5 be ok without a doubler( obviously) on an air rifle.22 rf for closer range, like ratting, or rabbits out to say 75 yards, or would the 4.6 still be a better choice? If I like the unit, I would consider getting two, one for air rifle and .22 use, and maybe one for .222 or .17rem as a dedicated fox night vision set up, but I would initially like one for closer range work, cheers.

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  On 29/05/2015 at 10:04, charlie caller said:

Looks good on that vid Ian, so can we state with any certainty now the 6.5 has been field tested so to speak, would the 6.5 be ok without a doubler( obviously) on an air rifle.22 rf for closer range, like ratting, or rabbits out to say 75 yards, or would the 4.6 still be a better choice? If I like the unit, I would consider getting two, one for air rifle and .22 use, and maybe one for .222 or .17rem as a dedicated fox night vision set up, but I would initially like one for closer range work, cheers.


For close range ratting a 4.6xt would give more field of view, for eveything else rabbiting, foxing the more magnification within reason that is, the better the image and aiming precision. It's up to yourself and needs mate.

Wait till I get some night footage with a few different IR torches as well at range.. tonight or tomorrow.

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  On 29/05/2015 at 10:04, charlie caller said:

Looks good on that vid Ian, so can we state with any certainty now the 6.5 has been field tested so to speak, would the 6.5 be ok without a doubler( obviously) on an air rifle.22 rf for closer range, like ratting, or rabbits out to say 75 yards, or would the 4.6 still be a better choice? If I like the unit, I would consider getting two, one for air rifle and .22 use, and maybe one for .222 or .17rem as a dedicated fox night vision set up, but I would initially like one for closer range work, cheers.


Yes, the difference that the doubler brings along seems significant. Not only the extra mag, but the clarity also looks enhanced.


CC - I have the 4.6 which I use on rats etc, but I'm looking for a fox rig just like you. I might have to split with the cash this weekend and get one off Ian. :thumbs:

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Ok Tremo so to turn it on its head a bit, with a decent ir torch on board, what would you say a realistic range for the 4.6 be then, 150 yards maybe? These are my thoughts, get the 6.5 and live with a little less field of view on rats and close range bunnies,(airgun and rf) and maybe add the doubler etc at a later date, I just dont want to get the 6.5 and find out its unsuitable for shorter ranges, but on the other side of the coin, I dont want to get the 4.6 and have to buy another to put on a cf :hmm:

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hi ian purchased a Yukon Photon Xt 6.5 X 50 off youre web page what a ( not ) load of

money well spent

orderd 12 noon arrived 9am next day great service :thumbs: i now own the

YUKON PHOTON XT 4.6X42S air arms s410 rats brilliant plug a screen in to it and youre mate can see what youre shooting

and the Yukon Photon Xt 6.5 X 50 now on a arnie .22lr rabbits well pleased my honest opinion you soon get used to black and white (daytime ) night time is when the add on ir comes in to its own the picture isnt as grainy but clear the scope mounts i used were

SPORTSMATCH ATP66 30mm Windage Adjustable Rifle Scope Mounts 11mm 3/8"

set them up then fine tuned with very little ajusment

then bought some


and then swaped the front mount top to accept a removable ir scope mount see pics


if anyones in doubt for the money £400 you wont go wrong it aint top end stuff but it does the job

forgot to mention i have doubler which fits both gun scopes

one with adapter one without





Edited by archiekale
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  On 29/05/2015 at 23:43, archiekale said:

hi ian purchased a Yukon Photon Xt 6.5 X 50 off youre web page what a ( not ) load of

money well spent

orderd 12 noon arrived 9am next day great service :thumbs: i now own the

YUKON PHOTON XT 4.6X42S air arms s410 rats brilliant plug a screen in to it and youre mate can see what youre shooting

and the Yukon Photon Xt 6.5 X 50 now on a arnie .22lr rabbits well pleased my honest opinion you soon get used to black and white (daytime ) night time is when the add on ir comes in to its own the picture isnt as grainy but clear the scope mounts i used were

SPORTSMATCH ATP66 30mm Windage Adjustable Rifle Scope Mounts 11mm 3/8"

set them up then fine tuned with very little ajusment

then bought some


and then swaped the front mount top to accept a removable ir scope mount see pics


if anyones in doubt for the money £400 you wont go wrong it aint top end stuff but it does the job

forgot to mention i have doubler which fits both gun scopes

one with adapter one without

Nice one Archie, glad you like it, the doubler makes a big difference..the weaver mounts are very handy too especially with being a vertical axis to the scope, I'm not a fan of side mounts on scopes.. Let us know how you get on and get some videos up :)

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  On 29/05/2015 at 22:01, charlie caller said:

Ok Tremo so to turn it on its head a bit, with a decent ir torch on board, what would you say a realistic range for the 4.6 be then, 150 yards maybe? These are my thoughts, get the 6.5 and live with a little less field of view on rats and close range bunnies,(airgun and rf) and maybe add the doubler etc at a later date, I just dont want to get the 6.5 and find out its unsuitable for shorter ranges, but on the other side of the coin, I dont want to get the 4.6 and have to buy another to put on a cf :hmm:


Perhaps some of this might help mate .........


I carried out an exercise two or three weekends ago during the day to see if the Photon could be swapped between multiple rifles but still maintain zero. All my rifles have picatinny rails and the scopes have Leupold QRW mounts.


I moved the Photon from my .223 to my .22LR to my air rifle, zeroing each time and recording the x and y coordinates off the screen. The .223 was zeroed at 140 yards, the .22LR zeroed at 65 yards and the air rifle at 20 yards. I used paper plates as targets (with a safe backstop behind).


I must admit, it was a bit of a struggle using the 4.6 mag at 140 yards as the centre dot covered a good bit of the target. A head shot on a fox at this range would be too risky at this magnification is you ask me, but I felt that a boiler room shot was more than possible with confidence. Eventually I was happy enough with a zero of five shots around 2-3 inches or so at this range.


After the round of zeroing I started the process of checking if the zero had been retained by swapping the rifles and inputting the associated x and y coordinates. Well I was impressed! There was little to no POI change on any of the rifles and the very little that was experienced was most probably down to me.


I have yet to take the Photon out on the .223 at night, although it has been out on the .22LR. What I can say though is that the image on the Photon is much better at night with a good IR source. I use a NM800.


So with this in mind I see no reason why foxing up to 140 yards cannot be carried out with the 4.6 Photon. If you want to shoot around the 200 yard then then a 6.5 with doubler will be required.


As you know, Photons can be a little focus fussy so I don't know how a 6.5 mag will handle the shorter ranges that you will get while ratting.



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  On 30/05/2015 at 14:23, charlie caller said:

Well I am about to find out as I have just bought the 6.5 :yes: so we shall see, and I will add my two penneth in due course :thumbs:


I look forward to it old boy. ;)



The quandary that I have at the moment is the Photon 6.5 + the doubler, or the Wardy 700. That's the one-vs-one review that I would really like to hear.


Can anyone out there lend their advice/experience/opinion? I'm only interested in performance. The "hot swap" feature of the Wardy won't give me anything more than I already have.



Edited by Tremo
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Well just been out with the airgun shooting a few rabbits in paddocks, had the HMR with me with xt 6.5 on and got it roughly zeroed before dark.. After I had finished in the paddocks I checked the photon out with a T20 IR at around 100yds the image was good I just backed off from full focus slightly to lose the die affect, I then tried with the NM800 IR, this gave an even brighter image as expected, I'm just looking back on some footage and the video is a lot less grainy with the NM800 even though you couldn't tell at the time with T20 the image was still great... I'll try with a laserluchs 5000 another night, should be even better..


I have a drone 10x and to be honest these are a 1/4 of the price and spot on for what I'm doing, the 10x mag from the doubler makes all the difference and its rock solid fitting... the reticule does sit low on the screen to zero it, but that's no major problem, its still perfectly central, adjustable mounts could be used, but it was the same when I had an XT4.6 fitted to an air rifle, and it works fine just a little low like I say..


I'd recommend these for long range shooting with the HMR and Centrefire for sure, I'll be putting another on the Hornet come autumn, really impressed for the money. :yes:

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  On 29/05/2015 at 23:43, archiekale said:

hi ian purchased a Yukon Photon Xt 6.5 X 50 off youre web page what a ( not ) load of

money well spent

orderd 12 noon arrived 9am next day great service :thumbs: i now own the

YUKON PHOTON XT 4.6X42S air arms s410 rats brilliant plug a screen in to it and youre mate can see what youre shooting

and the Yukon Photon Xt 6.5 X 50 now on a arnie .22lr rabbits well pleased my honest opinion you soon get used to black and white (daytime ) night time is when the add on ir comes in to its own the picture isnt as grainy but clear the scope mounts i used were

SPORTSMATCH ATP66 30mm Windage Adjustable Rifle Scope Mounts 11mm 3/8"

set them up then fine tuned with very little ajusment

then bought some


and then swaped the front mount top to accept a removable ir scope mount see pics


if anyones in doubt for the money £400 you wont go wrong it aint top end stuff but it does the job

forgot to mention i have doubler which fits both gun scopes

one with adapter one without

Archie, I've got a couple of them adjustable mounts there handy to have, I was just swapping between torches with a figure 8 style mount http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Flashlight-Torch-Telescope-Sight-Scope-Laser-Bike-Mount-Holder-F-Outdoor-Hunting-/191249785161?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2c87602149 for ease, they work well on a photon..you will get the reticule bang central if your using the sportsmatch mounts.

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hi ian both scopes iam useing have SPORTSMATCH ATP66 30mm Windage Adjustable Rifle Scope Mounts 11mm 3/8"

got one of them off ebay £50 new bargain .

scoped both up with the ajustable mounts then fine tuned with the photons

well inpressed with the set ups what video you useing for recording there is some cheep chinese ones on ebay any info appreciated

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