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Everybody thinks borders are slow because of the stories mate.they are just the same as russels,patterdales,lakies and any other terrier mate if you dont put the time into them and start showing them stuff at 3yrs old like people think what would you expect.all i can say is buy a border and treat it like a normal terrier it will show you mate atb.

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  On 16/11/2014 at 17:26, Hammo said:

The breeder on here keeps decent borders if your rich enough to get one off him mate . Hope you manage to get what you want .

I love borders but the money men have pushed me out of owning them. Even none ped ones are going for £300+
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I dont breed dogs for money or other people, but Ive never complained about the price when buying one. When your after a dog you shouldnt cloud your brain with details like money.. If its your mate whos asking you for a few hundred quid for a pup then hes not your mate. If its a stranger and the biggest worry youve got is the few hundred hes asking then you need to think again,are you looking for a dog or are you looking for a bargain.

Fags and beer are fine but a few quid for a dog that could loose its life for your hobby aint worth it, is that it?..Shit dogs are worth nothing.Good dogs are worth anything..Think more about which catagory the pup or dog you are looking at falls into and less about saving money and you might get a half decent pup one day..

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Jeemes, seems to me like your trying jump all over me for no reason, i've never once said i wouldnt pay good money for the right pup, as ive already stated i dont know anybody who breeds them so i fully expect to part with good money for one, To then suggest i spend my money on fags n beer is complete bollocks, trust me i dont do either, im fully aware of the dangers a terrier faces when working, the question i asked was why are borders more expensive, thats all. So why the need to try and belittle me?

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  On 17/11/2014 at 17:17, Bradford Lad said:

Jeemes, seems to me like your trying jump all over me for no reason, i've never once said i wouldnt pay good money for the right pup, as ive already stated i dont know anybody who breeds them so i fully expect to part with good money for one, To then suggest i spend my money on fags n beer is complete bollocks, trust me i dont do either, im fully aware of the dangers a terrier faces when working, the question i asked was why are borders more expensive, thats all. So why the need to try and belittle me?

i don't think he was belittling you. He was probably on a rant! I believe they cost more than other earth dogs because the 300 pound pups aren't usually the earthdogs, theyre just pups bred for the pet and show market.
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  On 17/11/2014 at 17:17, Bradford Lad said:

Jeemes, seems to me like your trying jump all over me for no reason, i've never once said i wouldnt pay good money for the right pup, as ive already stated i dont know anybody who breeds them so i fully expect to part with good money for one, To then suggest i spend my money on fags n beer is complete bollocks, trust me i dont do either, im fully aware of the dangers a terrier faces when working, the question i asked was why are borders more expensive, thats all. So why the need to try and belittle me?

You have the wrong end of the stick mate. My comments were about a genral attitude and not about you personally.

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