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Finally Into Double Figures!

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It's been a bit of a dry year for coypus... but our lake has now finally filled up, so hopefully there'll be some monster mutant rat action in the not-too-distant future... :yes:


Meanwhile, I've been trying to thin out the magpie population around here -- which seems to have exploded this year.


Oddly though, after I shot nine magpies earlier in the year, they seem to have become a little wary of landing on our property... go figure! :hmm:

This one overcame his shyness to hang around our chicken shed, which is where they like to steal our hens' eggs from. Not this time, sucker. :D

Shot was taken from a slightly elevated position at about 20 yards, and the maggie was walking towards me, so I gave it about an inch of holdunder and put a round through the centre of its upper thorax, straight through the heart. It fluttered away for about five yards then hit the deck. :thumbs:





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Cheers all... just wish I got to practise my shot placement on maggies a bit more often. :D


As soon as I go outside, they're off, so I have to creep around inside our mud room/utility room and gently slide the rifle out of the window. If I get lucky, they're still there by the time I've got into position.

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