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10Z Sheet Netting?


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I've never done any net making before but am planning to have a go at making my own quickset longnet. Quite a few of the places I shall use it are alongside thorn hedges that get flailed every year. As a result the ground is absolutely littered with all sorts of crap that likes nothing better to do with itself than tangle itself up in the net.


Anybody use 10z longnets? If so, d'you think the extra thickness would cut down on the crap that gets caught up?

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I've never done any net making before but am planning to have a go at making my own quickset longnet. Quite a few of the places I shall use it are alongside thorn hedges that get flailed every year. As a result the ground is absolutely littered with all sorts of crap that likes nothing better to do with itself than tangle itself up in the net.


Anybody use 10z longnets? If so, d'you think the extra thickness would cut down on the crap that gets caught up?

Part and parcel of netting, if a net will not catch leaves and twigs, for certain it will not catch rabbits.



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I made my own quick set with help of nelson ,tiercel ,long life Cambrian ,of here I whent with 6z sheet nettings with 100 % bagging and some times if a rabbit hits it full speed flat out I some times get bounces (rabbits bouncing off nets ) I don't have to much bother with rubbish like leaves and twigs when I pick up the net as the 6 z is not as bad as 4z for picking up rubbish but the 4 z is better at catching than 6 z ......a 10 z would be ok for poke nets or purse nets but a 10z longnet would be as much use as a marshmallow padlock mate

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Guess that's a resounding 'No' to the 10z then! Thanks for the replies.


One more question - does it matter what diameter to use for the drawcord? Have seen 1mm, 2mm and 3mm nylon. Any preferences guys?

The thicker the cord the heavier it weighs, the heavier it is the more it will sag. my preference is 1.5 to 2mm some go lower, I believe Mr Wilks likes 1.3mm. Even that 1.3mm has a breaking strain of around 45 kilos so your never going to snap it. Personally I would never go over 2mm as it creates too many problems getting tension in the lines.


Edited to add, A rabbit will chew though a 3mm line just as quick as a 1.3mm line.



Edited by tiercel
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Thanks tiercel. The only 1.3mm I can find is 'cross braid'. Never heard of it before - http://agouti-nets.co.uk/index.php?option=com_aceshop&Itemid=101&route=product/product&sort=p.price&order=DESC&page=1&limit=25&manufacturer_id=10&product_id=48. Is this suitable? If not, can you point me in the right direction?

Cross braid is a solid braid that has a rough surface, IMHO it is not suitable for running lines. What you need to look for is a 1.3 to 2mm hollow braid. Hollow braid is lighter and easily spliced.







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I would stick to a six z mate and set it further out from the hedge to miss the cut crap and when your lifting it lift it clear of the ground as I've seen a few guy drag it as they lift it and that's when it picks up the crap

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i like 2mm....but on stop nets i use 1mm rigging twine but all my stop nets are 3z nylon......


i bet you don't get any bouncers off your stop net with 3z lol

Is your 6z 4" or 4.25" ?



4.25 I think. Think 4.25 is 17 mesh per rigged yard and I have 85 mesh per every 5yards for 100 % bagging

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To be honest 6z is not a bad catching net in 4.25 and 4.5" mesh. Four inch mesh is a waste of time as the 6z twine does not stretch enough to allow a full grown rabbit to get its head though. It is inevitable that because of the way that rabbits hit a net during the day that some will bounce. TBH I don't think there is a lot that can be done if you use a normal net, be it 6z or 4z bounces will happen.


That is one of the reasons I developed the pocket net, and as far as I know to date, the two nets I sent for evaluation have not lost a single rabbit that has hit the net.



Edited by tiercel
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