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How To Get Rid Of Mange

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  On 11/11/2014 at 17:24, skycat said:

Advocate is a 'spot on' treatment. Just a few drops in the tube, depends on size of dog. Very easy to apply. You don't need to bathe the dog nor smother it all over. But it does cost more than some of the old fashioned treatments.


Yes. On the instructions, it says to part the hair and apply to skin only, but even when the dog is still, its hard to get it all on the skin, as it runs on to the hair as well, if you know what i mean SC?

Wonder does it work at all when this happens?

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Ffs I didn't say fist the dog ya bam   Some dogs struggle to empty their glands naturally so it helps them out. I had a jrt that needed it doing every two weeks mate not the nicest date in ya diar

I've always had good results using benzyl benzoate............cheap and effective   all the best,   jay.

Advocate is a 'spot on' treatment. Just a few drops in the tube, depends on size of dog. Very easy to apply. You don't need to bathe the dog nor smother it all over. But it does cost more than some of

  On 11/11/2014 at 22:41, young man said:

I wil get a pic tomorrow. Its a bald patch about a inch wide with a bit of a scab in the middle my mates dog has it and he used my terrier box. She hasent really been scratching cheers pal

Thats tiny, the biggest bald patch if you want to call it that I cured with savlon was a mastif cross. She was huge, the old lad that had her was ignorant. The dog was at least 60% covered in mange. You want to see the dog within a week.The old lad couldnt believe it. No other products where used. Aldi sell a package of dish wasing sponges for about 1 euro. Use the sponge side not the green rough side. It will cost a couple of euro for a small bottle of dettol or savlon in the supermarket. Within the week if you look close you will see the little brissles of hair growing back. Just be carefull a bald patch with a kind of dry skin,scab on it sounds similar to ringworm. So If you notice the dettol or savlon isnt working within the week nipp down to your chemist and get a small tube of canestine cream 2% it will sort out ring worm. To help you diagnose the mange and ringworm just google pics of them and see if your dogs skin looks the same. Either way it will cost you less than going to the vet. The only thing I use vets now adays is for surgery or paperwork.

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Just remember mange is wherever the dog is! If the dog is in kennels burn the fuckerss :laugh: or seriously deep clean with chemicals bleach etc. If the dogs is in the house then Fraz's god help you it can get everywhere.


Remember to clean anywhere they have been; car, terrier boxes absolutely everywhere.



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remember youngman that sarcoptic mange is actually scabies and you can catch the mite from your dog or where it has been its the one foxes usually have the other one is demodectic mange, skycat is right get some advocate spot on it will sort it out rather than some witches potion.

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Without a correct diagnosis no one even knows it is mange when bald patches appear. There could be many other reasons: atopic (cause unknown) dermatitis: itching, scratching, etc can have many causes: irritant, as in plant sap, chemical, or even an allergy to something. You can't say for certain it is mange until the mites have been found under microscope after a skin scrape.


One of my terriers sometimes gets those bald spots, and yes, they do clear up with a bit of antiseptic. That is not mange, but far more likely to be a reaction either to a flea bite, or an irritant of some sort. She often gets scratched bashing through cover. Some dogs are more susceptible to things than others.

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