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Can I ask why you want a springer with fac output?

Unless you do indeed get a HW80, it won't last. Honest. I don't think the supersport was ever meant to be anything other than a sub 12 model. I maybe wrong, but the sheer stress levels mean it would fall apart over a short period of time. If you want a rifle that will last and output over 12, it'll only be a 80. You could look as a gas ram power plant in the eliminator from theoben, a real old school rabbit basher, but there rare and a handful to say the least.

No offence here but what's your experience with shooting springers? With an fac 'boinger, your gonna have to a rather sharp shot to be confident in hitting that all important 1 inch disk every time, especially if your taking your distances out to 60-70 yards.

Save and get an 80, or save more and get a pcp for your fac work.

Best wishes.

ive shot springers for over 10 yrs .... the last 5yr year shooting rabbits and the odd target with the father in laws FAC AA tx200 .... so ive got enough experience with shooting one :thumbs:

Dont want a pcp and id rather stay away from gas rams to , had one and prefered the springers i had

Why not get a fac 200 then?

erh cause there nearly £200 quid over my budget


F'kin save then :D

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Can I ask why you want a springer with fac output?

Unless you do indeed get a HW80, it won't last. Honest. I don't think the supersport was ever meant to be anything other than a sub 12 model. I maybe wrong, but the sheer stress levels mean it would fall apart over a short period of time. If you want a rifle that will last and output over 12, it'll only be a 80. You could look as a gas ram power plant in the eliminator from theoben, a real old school rabbit basher, but there rare and a handful to say the least.

No offence here but what's your experience with shooting springers? With an fac 'boinger, your gonna have to a rather sharp shot to be confident in hitting that all important 1 inch disk every time, especially if your taking your distances out to 60-70 yards.

Save and get an 80, or save more and get a pcp for your fac work.

Best wishes.


ive shot springers for over 10 yrs .... the last 5yr year shooting rabbits and the odd target with the father in laws FAC AA tx200 .... so ive got enough experience with shooting one :thumbs:

Dont want a pcp and id rather stay away from gas rams to , had one and prefered the springers i had

Why not get a fac 200 then?

erh cause there nearly £200 quid over my budget

F'kin save then :D
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What about a hw 97 there strong enough to with stand the power of an fac tune and you can pick up one of the older one,s for around £250 just a thought .


one of my mates had one and he got a expert spring fitted from weahrock , (for give my spelling can never get the name right) and iv never fired a 97 like it


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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I don't wish to sound rude or a know-all but, honestly, you are not really ready to spend enough with your stated budget. You are after something for nothing and there's no such thing where fac spring power is concerned. There's more to this than whacking in a beefy spring and a lick with a few lubes and off you go!


. If an FAC springer is what you really, really want, you have to get an HW80 .22 Nothing else comes close, as solid or as reliable or as accurate at around the 20ft/lb mark. An HW80 .22 is the only spring rifle worthy of a spot on your FAC. I've had mine for 17 years and it is as accurate and as powerful as the day I bought her new. I've had a .22 TX200 rifle on ticket too but, I found it wasn't nearly as consistently reliable as my old HW80. But that may be a personal thing. Theoben Eliminator is an expensive good looker but, it's wild as hell on snap recoil and I hated it. It is way out of budget constraints anyway. BSA springers are made by Gamo nowadays and are utterly useless at higher power.


There is a reason why only a quality spring rifle such as the Weihrauch HW80 and therefore, decent money spending on one, will do the job right at higher power outputs. Quite simply, cheap guns don't take to being tuned-up and won't last 5 minutes before they are shaken to bits with recoil vibration. Not even the best quality will take to successful tuning. I know the HW77 doesn't like going above 12ft/lbs and that rifle in my view, is the best spring rifle you can buy!.


You need to tune it with a Titan spring (Ox are rubbish-don't even bother thinking of one). An internal hone and polish and a precision lathe-turned metal spring guide to replace the old plastic one are just a starting point. Correct lubes and greases and how to use them sparingly yet thoroughly are a point to note. If you get dieselling you need to to strip and clean out or you will soon do major internal combustion-damage (another reason why a steel spring guide is better than your old plastic one which will likely shatter!) Possibly also, you may find you need to ream the transfer port a tiny fraction to better regulate the higher airblast into the breach.


You should be prepared to upgrade your scope. I use Simmons Whitetail Classics as theses are the only scopes I've used so far, that can take the crack from this rifle all day. But there are are some from Nikko Stirling that can stand the pace. Your average Hawke scope will not survive a morning's target session zeroing it up and a cheaper scope will be shattered to shit in two shots!.


Your spring rifle shooting technique will have to be excellent to control the recoil. You will possibly need to learn how to use your controlling hand to dampen the back-blow without surpressing your zero. Even when the rifle has been thoroughly run-in, your hold on the wrist and forestock will need a little controlling influence than a 12 ft/lb rifle needs.



I don't feel comfortable about getting into all the technical whys and wherefores of higher power springer tuning openly here on a public forum but, I would send a PM to the two very best guys I know here for top-notch advice here. Both first class gentlemen who really know their technical tuning stuff when it comes to spring rifles.


Chris/Thursodog and AndyFR1968.


But that's basically what you are asking for in a bite-size.



Edited by pianoman
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Pianoman is right, as always. :yes:


I have installed a FAC V-Mach kit in my 97, and it's now running at 13 fpe and achieving 10mm groups at 33 yards with JSB Exact Heavies. However, that's with just 2 preload washers in there (I think they sent 6, plus a nylon spacer thingy). Any more, and the rifle would have been unshootable to start with -- the recoil was extremely snappy at first, but it's settled down now.


In short, to achieve reliable, accurate FAC levels, you need a big, heavy, solidly-engineered springer. There's a .22 HW80 for sale on the Active Shooter forum at the mo' for £225 including a brand new HD Sport 3-9X50. It has three bloody great holes drilled into the stock for some reason, so you might be able to knock him down on price, but it's a pretty good price anyway. I'd grab it if I were you. I would if I lived a bit closer!


Here's the link, now stop fannying about and get yourself an HW80. :laugh:http://activeshooter.co.uk/showthread.php?t=93641

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Thanks for the advice pianoman :thumbs: ill be going for a hw80 in the future but just havent got the funds for one yet and couldnt warrent spending that on a springer when theres more important things like xmas to think about ... o yea and a new sofa for the missus :laugh:

I have bought a hatstand to play about with and get the slot open on my fac, done a bit of reading on them and they seem a bit like marmite but im happy ....brand new it cost me £140


Edited by chid21
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So. After all that... you've gone for a Hatsan @ £140?! :haha:


I Guess its a start. Nothing against Hatsans man. But from what Ive been reading it was a 'proper FAC springer' you wanted... you couldn't of chosen something further away from the HW80. Let alone an FAC 80.


Good luck with it. :victory:

Edited by Rez
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So. After all that... you've gone for a Hatsan @ £140?! :haha:


I Guess its a start. Nothing against Hatsans man. But from what Ive been reading it was a 'proper FAC springer' you wanted... you couldn't of chosen something further away from the HW80. Let alone an FAC 80.


Good luck with it. :victory:

Whats a proper fac springer in your book ?

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Hit reply to soon there ...

i wanted a cheap springer that could be took over 12ft/lbs ... and ive got a cheap springer over 12ft/lbs..

They shoot at around 1000fps , people are getting 28ft/lbs out of them and there shooting consistently ...

i liked the feel of the hatsan and at £140 new i thought id give it a go ...

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just out of interest why do you need it to be FAC a 12flb gun can kill out too 50 yards if the shooter is competent , we have all seen zini's videos and piano man hitting a 10mm spinner with a gun under 12flb , the fact the gun shoots over 12flb doesn't mean its better , I'm my opinion it just gives you more leniency as i will cause more internal damage so you don't have to be so picky about shot placement , learn the craft with the hatsan at 12flb then when you move up to the hw80 you will be amazed at how much better it is .


i have 2 hw80s , one in .22 its sitting at 11.3flb and will happily take a rabbit out at 40 yards my max hunting distance . my other 80 is in .177 and i found the sweet spot for it was about 10.6flb and it knocks over bunnies at 40yards with no problem at all so I'm confused as to why you need a FAC gun just because you can have a FAC gun doesn't mean you need one bud


im not trying to have a go at you ,just wondering your justification for buying a toys-r-us special when a few months of saving could have you the bently of the air gun world .


oh and my .177 80 cost my the grand total of £100 from a shop , she was a bit rough when i got her but she's a real looker now , the guns are out their you just have too look harder than the back of a magazine , .


the 80 as i got her £100 bud that all she cost


Edited by webster
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