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ferret flea and de worming

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hi guys i was wondering how often should i flea the ferrets now they are working more often and whats the best to make ferrets put on weight as maria onbe of my jills seems to be looseing a bit of weight either that or my other jill missy is growing fast so it looks like she is getting smaller hmmm what do you guys think worms maybe?

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get yaself a chest freezer, whatever the ferts catch goes in there for 24hrs, reckon that'll kill any internal nasties, the rabbit flea can only live on , yup rabbits, ok it can hop onto another, but it cant survive unless on the host species, ticks are the things to worry about, as already stated,

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guys i read up that ferrets fed on rabbits are alot more likely to get internal parasites is there anything i can use as appartly Drontal Cat Wormer is supose to be the best what do you guys think?


I would watch if you worm them , to much may purge them, i did once take a ferret to the vetgs as it was skinny after severl weeks here of none stop food & to be honest the vet was scratching his head as to why, so he wormed them with pannacur paste, its like a syringe & you get a measured dose .


Not sure if drontal is tablet form but surely all wormers go by the animals weight as to how much to admimnister

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I have 2 jills 6months old now 1 is putting winter fat on no problem while the other is a bit of a size zero!!Both healthy,lively animals fed twice a day rabbit& day old chicks i suppose there a bit like humans some put weight on easier than others......... :hmm:

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I have 2 jills 6months old now 1 is putting winter fat on no problem while the other is a bit of a size zero!!Both healthy,lively animals fed twice a day rabbit& day old chicks i suppose there a bit like humans some put weight on easier than others......... :hmm:



Well i suppose there are some ferrets who dont gain weight easily, but i would observe them & there habbits , it may be just the ferrets normal state. but it may also be the skinny ones not geting her share of food :thumbs:


As long as the amount of food she is getting is maintaining her body weight i wouldnt be to worried, as you say she may be a skinny minnie naturally :clapper:

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