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Just When You Make Your Decision !

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Seem to have hijacked Gnashers thread a bit so sorry for that mate.


All I will say more is that you won't catch me giving it the "Englands f****d" speech or slagging off my area.......my area has been very kind to me and I love it.

"My" England is passing I feel, but the people still make it a damn fine place to me........shame our politicians don't seem to hold it or it's people in the same regard.

Just I need to "live" and I need something for my soul and I think that's what this will give me


Gnash I reckon you will have to stay until the babies born and you know everyone is the right way round.......then think again in 18 months or something

Your health will be right, it's got to be or Max won't have anyone to argue with ! :)


Some of the boys I know who have hatched up in Northern Cyprus will keep your brain stimulated alright !! Haha.......I'm sure you can say the same mate .


We think the West Ham/Millwall rivalry is hot Wilf its not a patch on the North/South Cyprus rivalry so it will be out the frying pan into the fire in some ways :D ......that said id rather get a good kicking on a beech in Kyrenia than Bermondsey any day of the week :laugh:

Edited by gnasher16
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Bought a gaff over in Cyprus a few years ago,me being a sucker for a bit of scenery its in the middle of nowhere but had it tarted up with all the mod cons,there was a bit of land across the way that

Maybe I will throw a spanner in the works with this one, but here go's......lol   Now this is only how I think so I'm not saying it's for everyone, but I look at things like this, your time on earth

Well mate, after it taking me 3 hours to do the 24 odd miles into London this morning it's probably the wrong day to ask what I will miss!! Haha   Seriously, you can't change what you are so I am su

First of all congratulations on your news. I myself had this same decision to make just over two years ago. My mrs was adamant she wanted to move to cornwall but we had just received the the news that i was going to be a grandad twice. my head was a shed for weeks. the only saving grace was that one of my grandkids was going to be in cornwall for the time being[son in law is in the navy] but i still felt guilty for thinking about leaving the other one. We did eventually move and i cant say it was/is easy to be honest . i now have the life of riley , dont work just fish ,do allotment walk dogs etc.[ and housework and make the wifes tea.] but i still really miss the grand-daughter whos up in yorkshire. i also really miss my mate who i went rabbiting with for the last twenty years.[ son visits us and we visit them so we do see her 4 or 5 times a year]. i cant tell you it will be easy but if your health is suspect you need to do whats best for you. you will be dead a lot longer than youre going to be alive mate. It will probably take you less time to get home from cyprus than it takes me to travel from cornwall to yorkshire. and im sure you wil get plenty of visits.[ first thing my son said when i told him i was leaving, me nearly in tears and he says oh good free holidays.] good luck in what ever you decide to do.


The travel time has been one of my mrs bargaining tools all i keep hearing is " its only a 4 hour flight away "......and the other cracker she keeps coming out with " they are only a phone call away " :censored: stop saying that !!!!


Funny you say that about your mate i have loads of acquaintances i see on a daily basis but only a handful of real tight friends......1 of whom lives in Cyprus so even that becomes a toss up !.....we,ve decided to have another few weeks out there just before xmas and make a definate decision one way or the other in January otherwise we,ll keep going round in circles and its not fair on the mrs one minute we,re selling up the next minute we,re looking at nursery wallpaper :laugh: ..........anyway thanks for you chaps input its made interesting listening.......cheers :thumbs:

Edited by gnasher16
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Congrats to your daughter and son in law mate ... The thing is he is not in a job where you know where they are going to be living ... He could get posted next week to Scotland Yorkshire Kenya Canada any where really so where you live is immaterial ... You have to live for yourself in this world not for your kids ... As sure as shit stinks you will decide not to move and they will get a posting to half way across the world .........


He,s being medically discharged mate....think i told you before about that injury he had,they put him through 2 operations and its still not right......they would of found something for him but thats not what he went in for so taking a nice little pay out....he,s got a few engineering qualifications and plans to set up in a little business they,re staying down that area as they love it there and got friends/work there.....my daughters not the sort to be a stay at home mum and im not being a full time childminder so is a 2 hour drive much different to a 4 hour flight :whistling:..... the for and against columns are pretty equal might end up flicking a coin :D

I remember you telling me about his injury ... Shame that he must be gutted ... If it was me I would be going abroad you can't live your life around your kids ... What's not to say in a few years they don't move to Spain Australia Canada ... And you would be back in the same boat again ... I am sure the grand kid would want to see his grandfather growing old enough to watch him or her achieve something in his or her life and if staying healthy for longer means moving abroad then its a no brainer .........

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Congratulations on the news mate, all the very best to your daughter and son in law too.

You'll know what's best for you and everyone else mate, no one on here or the real world can advise what's best (or worst).

My dad didn't make the best dad ( in some ways) big I'll give him his due he's a great grandad, the kids love him to death and it's given him a whole new chance on doing things with them which maybe he missed with us. He's yet to miss a Wednesday watching my lad play football, he may of watched me 10 times in 25 years lol..

From watching him it's a whole different world..

I don't think your the sort that would miss too much whether here or abroad though mate..


I've a mate who moved to Cyprus years ago, he would never come back, him and his wife have a nice little business and a great lifestyle...

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First of all congrats Grandad, I love being a grandad myself, i feel a lot more relaxed with jacob ( my grandson), than i did with my two daughters and wouldnt hesitate to look after him to give my daughter a break. Life is a funny old game you just dont know what is around the corner mate, do what your heart tells you.

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Gnash congratulations on the grandchild, I know when my kids were young I never had the time to spend with them that I would have liked to do. Mortgage, food, low wages all put pressure on everyone. By the time you get to the grandparent stage you have more time to spend with them. but they don't half ware you out quickly, we have our youngest granddaughter two days a week, it takes the next 5 days to get over it and she is only two.


Only you know what is acceptable to you and I'm guessing here, but I think you already know what you want to do?



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Again,thanks for the kind words and for airing your thoughts chaps :thumbs: .....i think you,ve got the gist of it Newkid maybe being a brilliant grandad makes up for being a shit dad in a guilty mind ....what part of Cyprus did your pal move to and how long ago ?

Yep i make you right Tiercel i think we all get a feeling in our gut on any big decision we have to make in life......i guess the struggle is whether we go with the head or the heart because mine are going in completely different directions at the moment !

Its funny we all tend to ask what friends would do in similar situations.....even asking strangers in this case......i must of spoke about this to 100 different people over the last few days and im still none the wiser :laugh: makes you feel like a right Mr Indecisive !

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Maybe I will throw a spanner in the works with this one, but here go's......lol


Now this is only how I think so I'm not saying it's for everyone, but I look at things like this, your time on earth is finite and there's a small amount of things in life that money can't buy.......time is one of them.


I am only gonna have the joy of my kids and maybe grand kids for a short-ish number of years till I die, out of everything in the world my kids love me without question.......they don't give a f**k if I drive a roller or a skateboard, they don't care if I have a million quid or £2.50......all they know is that I love them and I will protect them and that's all they need.


My pal has a massive house, a Lambourghini, flys planes, has a racing car, water skis, plenty of dough.......he chose working for the company and getting all this over time spent with his kids.......now one of them has f****d off and is in a bedsit with a baby and a drug habit and his boy (who by the way is a lovely lad) punched him in the face the other week and basically has zero respect for him.


Was that a price worth paying for the toys?.......personally, not to me it wasn't


Kids know, they know who gives them time and they know who don't .......and they will form a relationship with you based purely on that fact and nothing else.



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Congratulations on your happy news .

Just my thoughts my aunt moved abroad to Australia and being a similar age to my cousin missed them loads as brought up together , she visited last year and I was planning on going out there for 3 months , just met the current missus so decided to put it on the back burner , can't afford it now and even though im happy as the proverbial pig still refer it .

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Maybe I will throw a spanner in the works with this one, but here go's......lol


Now this is only how I think so I'm not saying it's for everyone, but I look at things like this, your time on earth is finite and there's a small amount of things in life that money can't buy.......time is one of them.


I am only gonna have the joy of my kids and maybe grand kids for a short-ish number of years till I die, out of everything in the world my kids love me without question.......they don't give a f**k if I drive a roller or a skateboard, they don't care if I have a million quid or £2.50......all they know is that I love them and I will protect them and that's all they need.


My pal has a massive house, a Lambourghini, flys planes, has a racing car, water skis, plenty of dough.......he chose working for the company and getting all this over time spent with his kids.......now one of them has f****d off and is in a bedsit with a baby and a drug habit and his boy (who by the way is a lovely lad) punched him in the face the other week and basically has zero respect for him.


Was that a price worth paying for the toys?.......personally, not to me it wasn't


Kids know, they know who gives them time and they know who don't .......and they will form a relationship with you based purely on that fact and nothing else.



i think you got it wrong there wilf mate,money dont come into it,if the gran kids visit thier grandad in cyprus and have a great time,swimming,eating,site seeing,with or with out a load of money chucked at them they will cherish those times with grandad,even talk about it at school etc.kids love hotels,airplanes,adventure,holidays,not driving up the m.way in the rain to see boring ole grandad at the allotment

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Fair enough although I never said money did come into it, my point was everything has a price (IMHO) but that's not always monetary.


There are 365 days in a year, do you think kids prefer 300 or 10 in your company, that's my point.


"Boring" don't come into it either, my other point is kids don't think about that kind of thing, especially young kids.


My kids phone their nan up and say, we are coming round to sleep nan......my old mum is 83 so they ain't exactly going Bungy jumping, what they do is sit, talk, listen, learn about the olds days and their history, they ask advice about things that they may not want to say to mum and dad, they get wisdom, love and above all they get whatever they want to eat, drink and they don't get told off !!! Lol lol


"We are taking nan with us" was the first thing out my kids mouth when I told them I had bought the little smallholding in Ireland ( I wouldn't have left her anyway) so at 83 she is moving country.......she never batted an eyelid because the kids are her world and she wouldn't be parted from them either.



As I said, it's only how I look at life and I would never look down on a man for not seeing the world through my eyes.

Edited by WILF
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Fair enough although I never said money did come into it, my point was everything has a price (IMHO) but that's not always monetary.


There are 365 days in a year, do you think kids prefer 300 or 10 in your company, that's my point.


"Boring" don't come into it either, my other point is kids don't think about that kind of thing, especially young kids.


My kids phone their nan up and say, we are coming round to sleep nan......my old mum is 83 so they ain't exactly going Bungy jumping, what they do is sit, talk, listen, learn about the olds days and their history, they ask advice about things that they may not want to say to mum and dad, they get wisdom, love and above all they get whatever they want to eat, drink and they don't get told off !!! Lol lol


"We are taking nan with us" was the first thing out my kids mouth when I told them I had bought the little smallholding in Ireland ( I wouldn't have left her anyway) so at 83 she is moving country.......she never batted an eyelid because the kids are her world and she wouldn't be parted from them either.



As I said, it's only how I look at life and I would never look down on a man for not seeing the world through my eyes.

yup understand that wilf,hope all goes well,good ole nan shes up for it good on ya all.

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first of all wilf good luck with your move mate and your new life like you we had looked at moving to ireland we were about to put a offer in on a place in mayo a nice little place but due to certain reasons we had to put it on hold about 15 year ago now hopefully one day but atb with the move ;)

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