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Hi there Hairy Biker.


I've got an A&M custom job which is long and chunky; but it hushes the rifle to nothing more than the sound of a click from the hammer and spring. This is the prototype of the current model and I won it at a THL Meet a few years ago. If you like a big bin of a thing on the end of your barrel, you'll love this one.



what I have fitted right now on my Regal, for both sheer cosmetic good looks and an effective muzzle-deadening-to-a-click, is an old Parker Hale silencer I've had for years but, it too works just exactly how I want it to.


It's a lot less overall in dimensions than the A&M silencer. It keeps the rifle looking and handling beautifully proportioned for overall length and balance. It screws straight into the threaded muzzle and is only a little wider than the barrel sleeve. It adds about 6 to 7-or-so inches of length. Perfect silencer for the Regal or the original Huntsman Classic, I reckon. Still available too I think. :thumbs:


Don't bother with the Daystate Airstream moderator. It costs over 60 quid it is almost useless for deadening the muzzleblast anywhere near as effectively.



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Depending on where in North Yorks you are (for instance it is going to be a lot easier from Pickering than from Sands End or Staithes), you might want to risk a quick trip along the A64 turn left at Leeds and head down to New Ollerton. It is a couple of hours run, but Adi and Mandy (A&M) will welcome you into their little haven of lots of things airgunning and tempt you with all manner of well priced goods...


Not that I have ever been there you understand (which is why my Mk 3 Super 10 has an A&M Twink Mk 2, fitted by Adi himself).

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I've said it before and I'll say it again but if your looking for a silencer for hunting purposes then virtually any on the market will make your muzzle report seem insignificant compared to the sound of lead on head! The crack of a pellet hitting your quarry will be far louder than the sound of your rifle so you will only benefit if you miss and require a second shot :D

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