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Rspb Hit For Six

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Glad I missed that club.

Working in the interest of justice and the public interest Moxy.

hows it going derek mate jeff here i didnt know you were on this site mate,that female harris hawk i got off you 2 year ago is still going well took loads with her,for people who dont know derek very




Ian Botham.


Does anyone have the contact details for Ian?

Try Twitter, or these guys



Thank you.


no worries, and good luck :thumbs:


It is all in hand now. Anyone with a provable story about the RSPB doing something wrong please contact me.

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The RSPB poisoning birds.









Scottish Natural Heritage, Battleby, Redgorton, Per

th, PH1 3EW

Tel 01738 444177 Fax 01738 458611 www.snh.org.uk

Mr David Street



07 July 2010

Our ref: A421875

Dear Mr Street

Review of SNH Response to Information Request

Thank you for your request for an internal review o

f our response to your recent information

request. We considered your request under the Envi

ronmental Information (Scotland)

Regulations 2004 (the ‘EIRs’).

From the review that I have undertaken I am satisfi

ed that the correct procedures were

followed at the time of your original request and t

hat we conducted a thorough search for

information in response to it. I am writing to inf

orm you that I therefore support our response

to your request and the explanation contained in ou

r letter dated 1 June 2010. I do however

find that we could have been clearer in telling you

that we do not hold the information you are

seeking, and that an EIR exception therefore applie

s in this case.

Your request asked us for information about a speci

fic licence that you believed had been

issued to the RSPB, and about the numbers of birds

that were poisoned as a result. We

replied that, having completed our searches of the

information we hold, we could confirm that

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) had never issued li

cences to the RSPB, or anyone else, to

poison sea birds in the Firth of Forth. In your re

view request you stated that you had been

told that birds had been poisoned after the 1981 Wi

ldlife Act, and that this had been done

under general licence.

In response to your review request, I have ensured

that we have again conducted a

comprehensive search of our information holdings.

This has confirmed that, as explained in

our previous response, we are aware of poisoning ha

ving been carried out on certain islands

in the Firth of Forth in the 1970s and 1980s. A fu

rther document that we have unearthed

shows that this occurred up until 1989.

Prior to the enactment of the Wildlife and Countrys

ide Act in 1981 the licensing of such

activities was the responsibility of the Secretary

of State for Scotland. After this Act came into

force, this activity could be licensed by either th

e Scottish Secretary of State or the relevant

Nature Conservancy Council. The relevant Nature Co

nservancy Council in this case would

have been the Nature Conservancy Council up until 1

991, the Nature Conservancy Council

for Scotland between 1991 and 1992, and from then o

nwards Scottish Natural Heritage.

SNH can find no record that we have issued any lice

nces to permit such work. To the best of

our knowledge, therefore, we do not hold the inform

ation you are asking for. We believe that

in these circumstances it is appropriate to apply t

he exception under Regulation 10(4)(a) of

the EIRs – Information not held – in this case.


2 cont...

You mention that you understand that poisoning was

carried out under a general licence.

SNH does not issue general licences. The Scottish

Government uses general licences in

certain circumstances but we are not aware of any h

aving been issued to cover the use of


Appeal Process

I hope that the information that we have provided t

o you makes our position clear. I am

satisfied that we do not hold any records which we

can provide in response to your

information request.

We must explain your rights of appeal. The EIRs ma

ke provision for applicants to appeal to

the Scottish Information Commissioner for a decisio

n on whether their request has been dealt

with in accordance with the Regulations. Should yo

u wish to lodge such an appeal, the

Scottish Information Commissioner can be contacted

at this address:

Scottish Information Commissioner

Kinburn Castle

Doubledykes Road

St Andrews


KY16 9DS

Telephone: 01334 464610


Yours sincerely

John Thomson

Director of Strategy & Communications

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