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Ferret Carrying Bags ?

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Just a quick question do any of you use a ferret bag ? If so how do you get on with them or don't you ?

I've always used a box but let's just say I know of a nice bit of ferreting ground that a bag with a ferret in will be more discreet than carrying a box around

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I used to use money bags from the bank many many years ago but you always had to carry a spare as they would eventually scrape their way out. Then I started work in a furniture factory and I had one m

Years ago that's all everybody used bank bags for the ferrets and never heard of any getting squashed lol boxes are good but can be a pain ferrets scrapping at them when your doing a burrows use them

So by that statment your saying, that people who use bags do not care for their ferrets welfare?   A bit off the mark I would say.   TC

As been said, much safer for ferret if you slip and fall. But having said that, I used a bag for years without a problem when I first got into ferreting, and liked it a lot. Light, quiet and discreet. Came unstuck one day as I was driving home and suddenly noticed the 2 jills wandering around in the car. The little buggers had scratched away at a corner of the bag and made a little hole. Had absolutely nothing else to put them in so that made for a rather hairy drive home as on more than one occasion they managed to get under the pedals :icon_eek:

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As said a bags not much protection for a ferret if im doing anything we drop the spade and bag of nets off before hand and just wander over with a ferret in the jacket pocket if she a wriggle he just hold here in the pocket , its harder taking a spade and not getting any attention them we split up to come home . if your out with just a ferret , or bag of rabbits they might have a few questions but cant prove much unless they get us both together

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I used to use money bags from the bank many many years ago but you always had to carry a spare as they would eventually scrape their way out. Then I started work in a furniture factory and I had one made up out of scrap leather it was like Joseph's coat but it did the trick and lasted for years. I must have used bags for over twenty years and never fell on them once.



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