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Hw100Tversus Hw100Kt

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hi folks ive already bin hooked on the pcp lark I bought a hatsanat44/10 .22 for a start now I'm getting inti the swing of things as a lot a people say now yer hooked go for the hw100 so can I ask you for a bit of info does the hw100t and the hw100kt sound the same.ie I was through in a gun shop and tryed em both and the hw100 sounded a lot quieter than the hw100k one of my mates said that ide mabee dry fired one of them but I'm not sure so can I ask the more experianced members their thot son the subject thanks in advance and hello from aberdeenshire

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Simple physics. Air is expanding behind the pellet, if the barrel is longer (up to a certain point) the air has more time to act on the pellet and propel it faster by it's continued expansion. A carbine uses more air to get to the same power by dint of the fact the barrel is shorter so more air is required to get the pellet up to the same speed. Which is why it is also louder as more air is escaping from the barrel after the pellet has left!

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I shoot many a second and even a third shot at corvids getting angry over an owl decoy using my silenced 100`s.

Another avenue of thought could be it does not matter how loud/ quiet the air rifle is( with in reason) but it matters greatly how accurate i am ? :yes:



Edited by mark williams
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