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Haha cheers guys, the problem i had is i don't have the biggest garden and still want kids to hav some room as theres dog kennels ferret hutches etc, dissapointed this morning as its throwing it down so got to hope for a break in the weather, just a quick question, do you guys dig out some earth before you put your gravel in or just line it and then gravel it??

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No doubt you will get some c**t telling you that is wrong, because it has not been pissed on by a naterjack toad when the moon is waxing, sounds ok to me dude, crack on :tongue2:

lol I'm worried to death to put a post on the falconry section, as I already own 1 asshole and don't fancy having another 1 ripped for me!!
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When it came to building mine I looked at every thread on IFF, read the books and did internet searches. I wanted to stay away from wood so used 12mm White plastic boards. This was then bolted onto 1" galvanized box section framework. Looking back Id have saved a lot of time and a lot of drill bits by using TEK screws instead.


I found perches the thing that took the most thought, I settled on one across the back made from 12mm stainless steel bar with a mix of AstroTurf over pipe insulation and perch rubbers for covering and then put in two plastic shelf perches. The one at the front was fine but the hawk would stand on the side one looking inwards not out of the window and had her tail up against the side wall which didn't look good so I took that out and replaced it with a two foot perch that unscrews from the side wall for easy cleaning. I used a different type of artificial grass on that for another type of surface. I was cable tying the shelf perches AstroTurf to the plastic but it was a mess on cleaning it and putting new ties on so I now use Velcro patches which works great and the hawk could never pull it apart.


My dog kennel is built around all this and acts as a double door system and added security. I had lighting and outdoor sockets installed for when using the power washer and could be used to add heating if we ever get any seriously cold weather. I've still got a CCTV camera to have fitted but that's just to watch what the hawk and dogs get up to my property already has cameras up.

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Ok thats brilliant thanks, i'm probably going to get on ye nerves with all the questions now haha, but i was stood outside last night and it was cold very cold it made me wonder if i needed to do anything to help keep the bird warmer or are harrises fairly hardy when it comes to cold?? Thanks, Mike

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