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Found this little critter in a rabbit i got last night :icon_eek: , I know my dogs wont be eating rabbit untill its been frozen first. Put me right off the fresh feeding idea :laugh:



A couple of them feckers and ill see alot more bone on my bitch :sick:



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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:sick: Aahh jeezuss! That is truly disgusting. I mean, ye could go sea fishing with that thing! :sick:


But why should it put ye off feeding fresh flesh, mate? He was in the Guts, yeah? And no one in their right mind would feed guts. Fresh, frozen or otherwise.


Ok, I know their eggs can harbour in the flesh ~ but one tends to notice that too :sick:




Know what? Now I actually come to sit and think about it; Some of the most Revolting things I've ever seen in my life have been centred on, around or in rabbits! Honestly! Is it any f*ckin wonder I couldn't eat one now if ye paid me? :no:

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I don't care if the worms locked up in a steel box inside the guts there getting frozen every time from now on. I sliced the belly on the rabbit to gut it out and pushed in my hand to open up the cut and had that fecking thing dangling off my fingers :sick: It was f*****g disgusting its even put me off using my hands to gut em lol Wont stop me tho just made me think a bit, what if i gutted it out in the field and had that on my fingers and didn't realise and ended up wiping it all over my face :sick:

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Found this little critter in a rabbit i got last night :icon_eek: , I know my dogs wont be eating rabbit untill its been frozen first. Put me right off the fresh feeding idea :laugh:



A couple of them feckers and ill see alot more bone on my bitch :sick:



Ive frozen mine for a week up till now ,but I was out with Sky cat on Wed ,and Im now informed that it takes 3 weeks to kill off the worm and any cysts that may be harboured in the flesh.

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Theyr just as likely to pick them up from eating sheep shit ect. when out walking so theres not a lot you can do to stop them exept worm them regularly and if you worm them regularly then theres no need to freze the rabbits first anyway becose the worms wouldnt be able to live in the dog.

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Theyr just as likely to pick them up from eating sheep shit ect. when out walking so theres not a lot you can do to stop them exept worm them regularly and if you worm them regularly then theres no need to freze the rabbits first anyway becose the worms wouldnt be able to live in the dog.


was allways told the wormers only get rid of what is in the dog at the time of worming. so if you fed a rabbit with worm eggs in it after worming it would have time to hatch, breed etc for 3 month till the next worming. i allways freeze stuff for 3 weeks or more anyway just incase.


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But why should it put ye off feeding fresh flesh, mate? He was in the Guts, yeah? And no one in their right mind would feed guts. Fresh, frozen or otherwise.


Well it has been said Ditch, about my mind being not right :yes: ...... :whistling: Mind you I always thought my mind was ok........ :doh: .... But I feed guts......not all the time I must add.......but quite alot.......you see thats where ALL the minerals & Trace elements are.......But as you say I MUST be MAD :laugh::D



Witton matey..............

Never mind gloves......I'd feckin' scrub that worktop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =@:yes: there'll be eggs everywhere :icon_eek:=@


& why oh why do poeple get a sublime, overpowering desire to feckin' mess with tape worms.......they stretch the feckers, to see how long they are etc. etc..........


plus don't worry about fresh feeding.........the fur & everything else the worms touched will more than likely have eggs on anyhow! :lol:

Edited by D.C.
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You bunch of fecking pansies its only a tape worm,if your that worried you better stay away from any grass thats had livestock near it.Just keep yer dogs wormed n yer hands washed.Did anyone see that prog about the fella who grew one inside himself? :yes:

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sick mo fo just put me right off my fecking tea yuk yuk yuk and more yuk



And yeah mate that side got bleached :thumbs: I just happend to be slitting the belly then found it didn't bring it into there just to take a pic :thumbs: dirty things they are wouldn't like one inside me it looked like a feckin leach


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You bunch of fecking pansies its only a tape worm,if your that worried you better stay away from any grass thats had livestock near it.Just keep yer dogs wormed n yer hands washed.Did anyone see that prog about the fella who grew one inside himself? :yes:

yeh watched it dirty as fek makes me wrench when a worm pups out and kennels full of writhing round worms no bean shoots and noodles that night gip gip

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