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Struggling With Pup On Lamp

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At 10 months, the dog has STILL got a lot of maturing to do mentally and physically give it time and the penny will drop.


When mine are in doors before there injection, I get the loudest squeeky toy I can find, as well as a broom head and big soft toys that are awkward to carry,then after injections fur and feather.

Happy Hunting



Edited by slip lead
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Well been taking the puppy out which is 11 months old now about once twice a week for 5 weeks on the lamp only giving her 3 slips a night not to over do it at first she was hunting up but now getting over that slowly but surely. Last week took her ferreting and caught 2 bolters and a day later took her out lamping and she caught a rabbit thought great the penny has dropped but how ever she has not killed a thing and I no a decent dog would of had a couple tonight she missed 2 squatters from about ten feet away admitidly I don't think she saw them but when she is coursing she seems to lack that last push if speed to get the rabbit will it come with age as she's still a baby she a saluki whippet sliding think speed should be a problem

I won,t let a sapling see a lamp until its competent at bunny,s daytime,the experience at running,turning and picking up is then more easily adapted to their nightime education.At 11 months old id expect the youngster to deal easily with a bunny or 2,day or night,alas the bunnys on certain land and terrain are a tad more educated than others and use the terrain and their early doggy experience to their best advantage.Its then a case of sourcing greener bunnys for a green sapling,or having the experience to put them at a dis-advantage.

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