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Decriminalising Drugs?

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I was being selfish myself for along time also.nite drugs though.me and him are very close.my best mate and son.he wants for nothing now.grades at school are up nearly 100 persent .never misses a day.av learnt lot what it takes to be a dad the passed few months.and its f****n amazing.i feel blessed that he's with me now.and i dident quite see that before he came to me as i said.myself was selfish also.

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I was being selfish myself for along time also.nite drugs though.me and him are very close.my best mate and son.he wants for nothing now.grades at school are up nearly 100 persent .never misses a day.

Makes sense. Legalise the lot. Prohibition doesn't work and never has.   I hate the shit but it's reality imo.

My opinion is that the drug scene is part of life these days, everybody that goes out has access to cocaine, ketamine, M-Kat, pills etc. etc. Every school kid has access to weed/bud etc. It's so commo

You have to see the positives out of all the shit life throws at you and sounds like a little good has come out of that terrible situation. No child should be without their mother but sounds like you're a cracking dad to the little man. I've seen too many men take the responsibility like a chore.

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I now wake up to a kiss and a cuddle and i love you dad.same at bed time.all the shit i gone fro.most course by my ways..i really do feel lucky.never felt pride in my life but now i couldn't be enyabout prouder of him..

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Hardest thing is explaining why he carnt live with his mum or see her...selfish bitch .the love for his mum is amence .and hers for him.but when them drugs take hold..they will always come first .i hope and day she sorts it..for my boys sake

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Ketamine is the reason i no longer see any of my school mates and im out with the dogs every day. The best example i can give is a kid i was best mates with since first year of highschool in his last year he was dependent on ketamine and so was the rest of the lads other than me and another anti drug taker. This particular lad got knocked off his scooter just before gcse's and got a massive pay out somthing close to 60k possibly more. Other than buying himself a car and a couple of holidays the lot of that has gone on ketamine. And he did work as well and still managed to blow the lot. Him and all the rest of them must have been in hospital a fair few times each with kidney stones as a result and all look like weasels. By the way all these lads come from good backgrounds and have no excuse for there actions. 99% should bot be legal at all and should be harder punishments for dealers. Edited by Poacherspocket
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Tomo that shit is fuuckin real mate.... Why anyone would do it is beyond me.


Drugs are awesome but some are more dangerous than you think with consequences that most would be horrified at. Seen loads of lads I grew up with turn to smack one of whom had his head popped like a zit against a car wheel and stabbed in the neck with a screwdriver over a debt of 5quid.... I'll stick with a joint and a beer and not feckin abuse it like I could :laugh:

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Agreed undie I like a joint and a beer as much as the next man but I ain't under any illusions... It's poison at the end of the day ;)


Gotta say I love mushies aswell :laugh:

Also I work a lot. With random drug and alcohol testing, I have little opportunity for even a beer.

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I don't mind. I have many other ways of getting pleasure out of life. Sex being one of the main ways...making money is becoming a close 2nd.

Sex = feeling of euphoria caused by receptors in the brain reacting with chemicals.


Drugs = feeling of euphoria caused by receptors in the brain reacting with chemicals.



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I don't mind. I have many other ways of getting pleasure out of life. Sex being one of the main ways...making money is becoming a close 2nd.

Sex = feeling of euphoria caused by receptors in the brain reacting with chemicals.


Drugs = feeling of euphoria caused by receptors in the brain reacting with chemicals.



Hypocrisy is my only vice.


All feelings of euphoria are caused by chemicals reacting with receptors in the brain. Some of those chemicals are naturally produced within the body (hoones etc) and some can be compounds which are absorbed into the body through stomach, lungs or injecting directly into the bloodstream.

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